Tenant Participation

Tenant participation is about you influencing decisions about housing policies, conditions and related services.  You can read more about this in our Tenant Participation Strategy or our Tenant Participation Leaflet.  

These are some of the ways that you can get involved:

Housing and Community Safety Committee: Up to three tenant representatives can sit alongside Councillors on our Housing and Community Safety Committee.  

Consultations: We can add you to our list of interested tenants and let you know when there are consultations or reviews taking place which are relevant to you.  We add details of consultations taking place to our housing policies webpage.

Estate walkabouts: You can have a say on how our estate improvement budget gets spent. Each year, tenants, housing staff and councillors carry out joint inspections to identify and agree on projects which could improve our estates.

Partnership working: We are members of North East Tenants Residents and Landlords Together (NETRALT) and the Northern Tenants Partnership (NTP).  Tenants and their landlords can join these groups to share ideas, good practice and resources.

Satisfaction surveys: We conduct regular surveys of our service, and a larger review every three years. View information on our performance including tenant survey results.

Social media: Our Facebook group keeps tenants and members of their household updated on housing issues and is used to share information with tenants and promote consultations.  

Tenant events: We occasionally hold events for our tenants to find out about our services and give feedback.  We also support tenants to attend events outside of Moray such as TPAS' (Tenant Participation Advisory Service) annual conference.

Tenant groups: 

  • We have one Registered Tenant Organisation (RTO) (view our RTO Register), the Moray Tenants Forum, which became operational in 2014/15.  This is a Moray-wide group that represents tenants' views and we consult them on housing issues.  You can attend the Forum in person or online.  If you do not have your own equipment to take part then we may be able to loan this to you.  
  • Our Service Improvement Panel (SIP) carry out reviews of our services.  The SIP may decide to interview staff, carry out a survey of tenants, visit empty properties or take part in mystery shopping to assess our services and make recommendations on how to improve them.  We can offer training and support to tenants who are interested in joining.

Other ways to have your say

Tenants Together (formerly Regional Networks): Tenants Together are a national network of tenants committed to empowering tenants. Making sure their voices are heard and influence decisions within the Scottish social housing sector, to protect tenants’ rights and make a difference. They work in partnership with the Scottish Government and key decision makers, tenants, service users, Registered Social Landlords (RSL’s) and local authorities to improve the lives and wellbeing of tenants. Membership is open to all tenants and service users of either a local authority or an RSL in Scotland. To find out more about becoming a member email info@tenantstogether.scot or sign up to their newsletter at www.tenantstogether.scot/subscribe

The National Panel: You could join the Scottish Housing Regulator's national panel which is for anyone who uses social landlords' services.  They will send occasional surveys, information updates and invites to take part in other feedback exercises.  

Tenants Voice Scotland: You could register for Tenant Voice Scotland, an initiative run by the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) to give tenants their say on the things that matter most.  You can share your thoughts, ideas and opinions to influence and inform their partner organisations such as tenant groups, the Scottish Housing Regulator, the Scottish Government and the Tenant Regional Networks.  Your views will shape legislation, influence policies and consult on proposed changes to housing policy to make it safer, fairer and tenant focused.

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