Housing Performance

Tenant satisfaction

In addition to gathering feedback internally through regular service satisfaction surveys, we commission an independent satisfaction survey at least once every three years.  We use survey data to help us make decisions about services and prioritise improvements. Some of the data gathered is used in our Annual Return on the Charter submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator.

Our last survey was carried out in late 2021 where 1,504 tenants were invited to take part by telephone.  You can watch a short video of the results, view the tenant survey infographics or view the consultant's full report.  A report summarising the findings was presented to our Housing and Community Safety Committee on 8 February 2022.  We then developed an improvement plan based on tenants' views and priorities and presented this to the same Committee on 15 November 2022.

Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2024 

We have asked Knowledge Partnership, who are independent market researchers, to carry out this year's Tenant Satisfaction Survey on our behalf. Tenants will receive a letter inviting them to take part.

The survey will be carried out by phone with a representative sample of around 1500 tenants. Knowledge Partnership will call tenants between 8 July 2024 and 9 September 2024 and ask a series of questions. Please take the time to take part if you are called. It will take around 15 minutes and will give you the opportunity to share your views, helping us improve our housing services for our customers.

All responses will be anonymous and confidential. We won't be able to identify individual responses.For more information you can read our privacy notice.

If you don’t want to be surveyed by an interviewer, please let Knowledge Partnership know by calling 0131 356 0385 or email surveys@kpartners.co.uk.  

Please use this form if you do not want to participate in the Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2024 - Housing Services – Survey Preference Form.

Local reporting

We work to improve our services by regularly reviewing our performance against a range of indicators.  You can view our performance against these indicators on our reports below.

Performance reports

Housing Performance Report 2020/21

Housing Performance Report 2021/22

Housing Performance Report 2022/23

Statutory reporting

The Scottish Housing Regulator

The Scottish Housing Regulator exists to protect the interests of tenants, homeless people and others who use social landlords' services.  They are also responsible for investigating any serious concerns reported about a landlord. Serious concerns were previously known as significant performance failures.

All social landlords must meet the aims and standards within the Scottish Social Housing Charter.  Each year, we submit an Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) to the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR).  The Regulator uses this information to report on our performance and produce an engagement plan

Each year, we must publish an Assurance Statement to reassure the Scottish Housing Regulator and our tenants and other service users that we comply with our regulatory and statutory obligations.

Each year, we must also produce an annual performance report for tenants and other service users.

The Scottish Government

We submit data to the Scottish Government who produce a range of housing and homelessness statistics.

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