Housing Strategies, Policies and Performance

Local Housing Strategy (LHS)

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001, places a legal duty on every local authority to produce a Local Housing Strategy (LHS).  The aim of the LHS is to make sure there is enough housing, of good quality, of the right size and type, and in the right places, to meet the needs of local people.  

The LHS covers all tenures; owner occupied and private rented housing as well as social housing.  The actions range from helping homeless people, building more Council and Housing Association houses of the right type and in the right place, providing specialist housing for older people and people with disabilities, to reducing fuel poverty and improving housing conditions. The LHS forms the basis for future investment decisions in housing and related services.

Development of the next Local Housing Strategy (2025-2030)

We are preparing a new Local Housing Strategy, which will set out how the Council and partners will deliver housing and housing services over the next 5 years. To build the new strategy, we must set a new vision for homes and communities and agree priorities for action to tackle the main housing issues locally.  

We have launched a survey asking local households to share their views on the housing issues that matter most in their community.  The results will help us to plan for new housing and housing services, making sure the needs of all residents and communities are met.  The survey should only take around 5 minutes to fill in and all Moray residents are invited to take part.

Local Housing Strategy 2019-2024

The LHS is based on the Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) and other supporting evidence.

A report reviewing progress in achieving the outcomes of the LHS was presented to our Housing and Community Safety Committee on 10 September 2024.  

Tenant Participation Strategy

Our Tenant Participation Strategy sets out how we will involve tenants in our decision making processes.

Fuel Poverty

You can find advice and information on Fuel Poverty.

Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan

The Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) was set up by the Scottish Government in October 2017 to produce short and long-term solutions to end homelessness and rough sleeping.  This group produced recommendations which were wholly accepted by the Scottish Government.  One of the HARSAG recommendations required that each local authority area develop and cost a 'Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan' by December 2018.  

Our Housing Options approach aims to prevent homelessness wherever possible.  Where homelessness cannot be prevented, we would implement our RRTP where appropriate.  You can view our RRTP which has been updated to better reflect current circumstances and covers the period 2022/23 to 2026/27.  

Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP)

Strategic Housing Investment Plans have been prepared by local authorities since 2007.

We also have have our own Council house building programme.

Local Housing Strategy Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

The Council prepared a SEA Screening Report, which was submitted to The Scottish Government’s SEA Gateway on 14 January 2019.  In brief, the Screening Report concluded that an LHS SEA would not be required because the LHS does not identify land for new housing and that the effects related to the location and scale of development will be determined through the strategic environmental assessment of the Local Development Plan.  SEA Gateway forwarded the Screening Report to Consultation Authorities e.g. SEPA, SNH for their comments. 

SEA Gateway confirmed that the Consultation Authorities had agreed that there was no likelihood of significant environmental effects arising from the LHS.  In the light of this response, the Council has determined,  that a Strategic Environmental Assessment is not required for the LHS.

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