Older People - Information and Advice
Information on local authority services, facilities and advice for older people.
- activities and exercise classes
- assisted bin collections - household waste
- blue badge parking scheme
- bus passes
- care homes and housing
- care services
- community alarm services
- community centres
- day services for older people
- eligibility and assessment criteria for support in your home
- garden maintenance for Council tenants
- home care
- home from hospital
- library services
- meals on wheels
- occupational therapy and adaptations
- protection of vulnerable adults
- public transport
Useful Websites
- Help and advice at https://www.which.co.uk/later-life-care
- making a will find out more from http://www.makingawill.org.uk/scotland.htm
- winter warmth and find out about the Winter Fuel Payment from GOV.UK
- Royal Voluntary Service is one of the UK's largest charities and volunteering organisations. Through its voluntary work RVS aims to give older people the opportunity and choice to get more out of life.