Groups and Activities for Older People

Events programme for older people in Moray

Unlock a world of opportunities for healthy, active and fulfilling later years.The latest edition of the programme is now available.

We offer a programme of activities for residents who are over 60 at locations across Moray. The groups provide an opportunity to meet like-minded people and encourage building friendships, support networks, skill sharing, improved health and fitness.

Groups include:

Be Active Life Long (B.A.L.L.) Groups
A friendly group who enjoy gentle exercise, hosting activities, speakers, outings with coffee and chats.

Singing, Exercise, Tea (S.E.T.) Groups
A friendly group who enjoy music, very gentle exercise and sharing stories over a cuppa.

Specialist Health and Wellbeing Groups – Strength and Balance/Easy Breathe
The group is aimed at older people and people with long term health conditions to improve physical, social and mental wellbeing.

Men’s Shed
A group of men with spare time who work together on projects, share skills and have a blether.

Social Groups
A sociable group who enjoy developing friendships over coffee and a chat.

Lunch Groups
A local group who prepare, cook and enjoy a healthy two-course lunch.

University of Third Age (U3A)
Over 22 groups including Latin, French, crochet, film, photography, flower arranging, walking and many more. Find out more...

Contact Us

Community Wellbeing Development Team

01343 563510

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