Living Independently

A range of solutions and advice to maximise your independence

Looking After Myself 

We know how important it is to people to be able to maintain their quality of life and live as independently as possible in their own home for as long as they can. There are a number of service to support you to look after yourself

Good nutrition is important at any age, but many people don’t eat properly because they are experiencing problems preparing food or feeding themselves. find out more about Preparing Meals

 Support After Leaving Hospital

START is a small team of Social Care Assistants who can help you once you have returned home from a stay in hospital to get back on your feet again. Find out more about START

Living Safely at Home And Looking After My Home

For many people, moving around their home and carrying out daily living tasks is an ongoing problem, perhaps due to illness, a disability or because they are growing older and becoming less mobile. They may be at increase risk of accidents like falls, which can have consequences for their independence. Find out about  Living Safely at Home

For people struggling with household tasks, there are a number of services available: Looking After My Home

Housing Support

Housing-related support services for people who need help to live independently and safely. Housing Support will have information about sheltered housing and council tax benefits

Supported Living

Services at home and in the community which provide a bit of extra support for people who need some help with personal or practical care, and who may also have difficulty in getting out and about by themselves. Find out about Supported Living

Caring For Someone

You may be a carer for someone or you may be the cared for person. Husbands and wives may be carers for each other. Support is available to help you continue in your role. Read more information about Caring for Someone

Paying for Care and Money Matters

For some Community Care services there is no charge, for some there is a charge which everyone is expected to pay, and for others the amount you will be asked to contribute towards the cost of the services you receive will depend on what you can afford to pay. This will be worked out by a financial assessment. Find out about Paying for Care and Money Matters

Keeping Warm

Cold homes have a significant impact on people’s health but rising utility bills and low income can mean people are living in fuel poverty. Read more about Keeping Warm

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