Community Support Unit
The Community Support Unit is part of the Communities (CLD) Service within the Moray Council.
The Community Support Unit is committed to:
Development work that strengthens the ability of community organisation and groups to:
- Become stronger to enable people to develop new and existing skills to promote their aims and objectives for the benefit of their core group stakeholders.
- Engage with and respond to Moray Council Planning Partnership consultations and discussions that affect them and their community.
- Fully engage and participate in community based activity that strengthens residents to become more involved in their community.
- Strengthen partnership working with other community groups and organisations.
- Take a lead role in involving wider participation in community life.
This can include training of members to take on leadership roles, manage their own resources, produce good governance and organisational structures as well as support to individual members to explore their own person development needs to ensure their sills are compatible with the needs of the organisation.