Public Transport


Here you can find detailed information on local transport and links to major travel means in and around the Moray area. You can read our Public Transport Policy Statement (pdf).

We have also included links to other sites to help you with more detailed travel information.*

Latest News

m.connect - Delivery to date

What m.connect has delivered to date:

• Introduction of a easy-to-use app, allowing passengers to book, manage and pay for journeys using the on-demand m.connect service. Bookings can be made on the day (1 hour before planned travel time)  or can be pre-booked up to two weeks in advance of travel, with no restrictions on the number of bookings created within the 2 week period.  
• Added 6 Electric vehicles into the operational fleet, inclusive of charging infrastructure.
• Improved the operational hours of the on-demand service in Buckie, Keith & Speyside , managing journeys from 0630-2030hrs Mon-Fri
• Added a timetabled service(309) linking Cullen-Buckie-Keith to the rail network from 0515-2030hrs Mon-Fri
• Enhanced the Speyside 366 service connecting Aberlour-Archiestown-Elgin from 0900-2030hrs Mon-Fri

All of which has contributed to connecting communities to work, education and leisure opportunities, whilst also linking the bus network to other public transport systems. This has generated a 22% increase in passenger journeys in 2023-2024, accumulating a total of 55,644 journeys, which included a substantial increase in passengers under 22 using m.connect services. The passenger app has proved to be a popular choice for booking and managing journeys, with over half of all booking being made through the app. The customer telephone line has been retained for customers who enjoy an more personable booking experience with our customer support agents.  

Changes we are making to the m.connect network and why:

Bus Network reviews by the m.connect team are conducted routinely, monitoring frequency of service, patronage, un-met demand, replication of routes, gaps in the wider bus network and how existing  resource can be re-allocated to offer communities better connectivity and frequency of service to access work, education and leisure opportunities directly or via better links to  bus services  and rail networks.  Any changes recommended through the review process has two critical factors which are  linked to Moray Councils transformation programme:

1. Efficient service delivery model
2. Ensure best value for the medium and long term

What does this mean for m.connect? We re-design our bus services to retain existing passenger journey trends, remove redundant route parts, avoid duplication of journey patterns, whilst developing greater frequency and availability within routes and timetables offered. To do this, we accept that some passengers may have to alter personal preference or routine, for example: making a connection with another service to reach a destination that was once a direct journey option. If this is the case, it is due to duplication of journeys within the bus network. m.connect intends to compliment and feed into existing bus service provision making it a more holistic and sustainable network for the future.

So what will change?

Service 309 Cullen-Buckie-Keith – To date, no passengers have travelled on the service between 0515-0700hrs. From 01 April 2025, the timetable will be amended to operate from 0715-2030hrs.

What we are introducing in 2025

• Adding an additional 4 16 seat fully accessible low floor buses to the vehicle fleet
• Extending the vehicle charging infrastructure into Lossiemouth and Forres
• Introducing Weekend service in Buckie and Speyside
• Adding 2 new re-designed services in Speyside, whilst also adding additional operating hours for the on-demand service to operate without gaps between 1645-2030hrs Mon-Fri
• Providing a service route linking Burghead-Hopeman-Lossiemoth
• Extending service 334 to connect Larch Court, Hamilton Gardens and Morriston road to medical and welfare facilities in eth centre of Elgin.  

Weekend services:

Buckie – Saturday On-demand service operating 0900-1730hrs
Speyside – Saturday On-demand service operating 1000-2200hrs (1800hrs onward – on-demand service accommodates journeys into Elgin)

Speyside service routes:

Service 367 – Auchbreck-Knockando-Archiestown- Craigellachie 0720-1945hrs Mon-Fri (connects to service 36 for Elgin / Dufftown)
Service 368 – Tomintoul-Dufftown-Keith 0645-1950hrs Mon-Fri (connects to service 36 for Aberlour / Elgin)

Extended Service 334:

Larch Court-Hamilton Gardens-Morriston road-Dr Gray’s-Tesco 0725-1805hrs Mon-Fri

Coastal service:

Service 333 – Burghead-Hopeman-Duffus-Lossiemouth 0750-1800hrs Mon-Fri


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