Community Plan

Community Planning

The Community Planning process acts as a framework for making public services more responsive to, and organised around, the needs of communities.

The two main aims of Community Planning can be described as:

  • Making sure people and communities are genuinely engaged in decisions, which affect them; allied to
  • A commitment from organisations to work together, not apart, in providing better public services

Community Planning is not a new concept, but has recently taken on much greater significance with the passing of the Local Government in Scotland Act of 2003.

The Moray Community Planning Partnership

The Partnership currently has 13 members – Communities Scotland, Grampian Fire & Rescue, Grampian Police, HIE Moray, Joint Community Councils, Moray Chamber of Commerce, Moray Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Moray College, Moray Voluntary Service Organisation, NHS Grampian, RAF, The Moray Council and Volunteer Centre Moray.

The Council has lead responsibility for guiding and facilitating the work of the Partnership.

The Single Outcome Agreement has been replaced by Moray 2026 a Plan for the Future (PDF) (36 pages, 6.9 MB)

Community Engagement

The Community Planning Partnership refreshed its Community Engagement Strategy in November 22 and it was officially launched in March 2023. One of the outputs of this event was the co-creation of visual images which captured what we are trying to achieve through engaging with communities. These have been adapted into an easy read summary which can be viewed here

The full strategy is available here (PDF 1.22MB)

Corporate Vision and Themes

The corporate vision of Community Planning in Moray is

“to increase the quality of life and develop the well-being of everyone in Moray”

The strategic priorities, which have been identified to deliver the vision, have been sub-divided under the following seven themes:

  • Achieving a healthy and caring community
  • Achieving a safer community
  • Building stronger communities
  • Improving travel facilities, choices and safety
  • Investing in children and young people
  • Protecting and enhancing the environment
  • Working for increased prosperity

Area Forums

The Partnership has 8 Area Forums  around the following secondary school catchments across Moray:

The Forums provide a clear means of involving and engaging local people in identifying and addressing local priorities. Each is supported by a Local Workers’ Group comprising local officers from partner organisations.

Community Planning Website

Visit the Community Planning  for comprehensive news and information about the progress of Community Planning in Moray.

Contact Us

Project Officer
Council Offices
High Street
IV30 1BX

01343 563317

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