Greenwards Play Park Consultation

We'd like local views on options for the play equipment next to Greenwards Primary School, Elgin.

There is already play equipment for children aged between 5 and 12 years at Greenwards Primary School. This equipment was upgraded in September 2024 and is open to the public outside of school hours.

The play park next to the school is located on HRA (Housing Revenue Account) land. The HRA is a ring-fenced account funded by the rent paid by Council tenants.

We'll consider all feedback provided, however we reserve the right to weight the options in favour of Moray Council tenants given that any works will be funded by them through rental income received.

Tell us what you think

You can give your feedback by completing our online survey.  

If you’d like to fill in a paper copy of the survey, please contact us by phoning 0300 123 4566 or emailing 

The survey will close on Friday 14 March 2025.

What will happen when the consultation ends

We'll review and consider your feedback and share an update on the outcome of the consultation on this page.

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