Keeping Safe

We all want our homes - and Moray as a whole - to be a safe place to live, work and visit.

Avoiding Slips, Trips and Falls

Accidents at home can be dangerous, particularly for older people. Falls are more likely and the consequences can be serious. 

Adult Protection

Abuse and neglect can take many forms and all of them are distressing.

Disability, illness or frailty means that many adults have to rely on other people to help them in their day-to-day living. Although most people are well cared for, some adults become vulnerable and at risk of harm, very often from people they know such as a relative, friend, neighbour or paid carer.

Harm may be physical, psychological, financial, sexual or neglect, and can take place anywhere.

If you are worried that you, or someone you know is being harmed, contact the Moray Adult Protection Unit.

In an emergency, always call 999.

Domestic Violence

Every person has the right to live a life free from violence. If you are a victim of domestic violence, or you know of someone who is, seek help now.

Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, is any kind of violence or other abuse between partners or family members. It may include physical, sexual, emotional or financial abuse as well as threatening or controlling behaviour and may not necessarily be "violent".

Domestic violence and abuse has a huge impact on children's lives.

In an emergency, always call 999.

Antisocial Behaviour

Anti social behaviour has a huge impact on our society. It comes in many forms and often refers to nuisance and harassment such as noise, vandalism, neighbour disputes, dog fouling and rowdy behaviour.

Moray Council has powers to tackle anti social behaviour using various measures. Don’t suffer in silence.

Crime Prevention

Levels of crime in Moray are low. Most crimes are committed against property and are not planned but carried out on the spur of the moment.

You can reduce the risk by taking sensible precautions to secure your house, your car, a shed or garage, and by always checking the identity of anyone calling at your home.

Fire Safety

Every year, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service deal with approximately 827 fires in the home, of which 122 result in injury or death.

Smoke alarms are the first line of defence against fire. They are designed to detect fire in its early stages and can give you those precious few moments to get out safely.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service can provide a free home fire safety check, where fire fighters will  look at all areas of fire risk within your home, fit smoke alarms where necessary and advise you on their maintenance.

Safety in the home can also be supported through the Moray Lifeline and Telecare.

Our Telecare service (subject to an assessed need) may provide a smoke detector, carbon monoxide detector, temperature extreme sensor and/or natural gas detector.


Keeping our communities safe.

  •  Police Scotland    To report a crime and for all general enquiries, call the Service Centre on 101 where your call will be directed to the appropriate department.
  •  Crimestoppers To pass on information about crime anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

Contact Us

Access Care Team

01343 563999

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