Caring for Someone

Who Is A Carer?

You are a carer if you look after a family member, friend or neighbour who has, for example,  a long term disability, mental health difficulties,  drug and alcohol issues or is frail due to old age and you are not paid for the care you provide.

You may be helping them with personal care, practical help, such as cooking, cleaning, shopping or emotional support.

You do not have to live with the cared-for person to be their carer and it does not matter how much care you provide.

The Carer (Scotland) Act 2016 defines a carer a  “an individual who provides or intends to provides carer for another individual (the cared-for person)”.

“Intends to provide” care will encompass situations such as hospital discharge.

Where Can I Get Support?

Commissioned Carer Support Service

All adult carers in Moray can get free information and advice from Quarriers Carer Support Service, the current commissioned carer support service for Moray Council.

Contact Quarriers at 232 High Street, Elgin 

01343 556031

Quarriers can offer evening and weekend appointments to help working carers and those who find it difficult to attend appointments during normal office hours.

They offer a wide range of training courses, information, support groups and support for carers about emergency planning; future planning; health and well being; income maximisation; education and training; advocacy and carer’s rights.

They can provide carers with the free Carer Aware Card.

Planning for an Emergency – as a carer it is important you consider making plans in case an emergency prevents you from caring.  It may be as simple as recording the practical arrangements for occasions when you are unable to carer and the contact details of family or friends who can help in a crisis.  The free Carer Aware Card is one element of emergency planning.  To find out more or to get help with emergency planning contact Quarriers Carer Support Service.

Adult Community Care Services

 If you would like to find out more about the services Moray Council may be able to offer the person you care for please contact the Adult Community Care Access Team 01343 563999 or

The Carer (Scotland) Act 2016

New legislation called the Carer (Scotland) Act 2016 comes into effect on 1 April 2018.

It introduces new rights for unpaid carers and new duties on local authorities and health boards to provide support to unpaid carers.  It aims to provide better support to carers to help them continue to care, if they so wish, in as good health and well-being as possible and maintain a life of their own alongside their caring role.

See our Carers Scotland Act information leaflet to find out more.

Duty To Provide Support To Adult Carers with Eligible Needs (The Carer (Scotland) Act 2016)

If you are an adult carer then from 1 April 2018 you have a legal right to an Adult Carer Support Plan if you wish.  This is the new name for the carer's assessment. 

Quarriers staff will prepare the Adult Carer Support Plan (ACSP) with you.  The ACSP will help you identify your personal needs and outcomes.  This conversation will set out what support you feel you need and identify the services and support that can help you best.  We will use local eligibility criteria to determine what additional support we may offer you.


Step 1 - Adult Carer Support Plan

  • Carer situation discussed with Quarriers. 
  • What are the needs and outcomes the carer wants to achieve to be able to continue to care and maintain a life alongside caring?
  • Consider the need for a break

Step 2 - Meeting Needs

  • Which needs can be met through the local carer support service, through services available to the cared for person or through universal services in the community?

Step 3 - Eligibility Determined

  • Are the outstanding needs eligible for support under the local eligibility criteria?

Step 4 - 

  • Offer eligible carer funded support via Self Directed Support personal budget   
  • If not eligible direct carer to universal services and information and advice from Quarriers

See our Local Eligibility Criteria leaflet which includes frequently asked questions and useful contacts.


Contact Us

Access Care Team

01343 563999

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