
What is respite?

Respite is a break for an agreed period of time from your caring role.

The respite break should be a positive experience for both you and the person you care for.

Respite is an outcome (a goal which is achieved) rather than any particular service.

Here are some examples of arrangements which can provide a break from your caring role:

  • Shared Lives Service
  • A Support Worker who provides care in your home
  • The person you care for attends a day service
  • Telecare services are made available
  • A Befriending Service is provided for the person you care for
  • The person you care for moves into a care home for an agreed time
  • Care is provided to allow you to enjoy a break or activity together

How much does respite cost?

Most respite services are financially assessed. The amount you will be asked to contribute will be based on what you can afford to pay.

For information on how to access respite services, contact the Community Care Access Care Team by calling 

Tel: 01343 563999 or 


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