Do I Need Planning Permission?

To help us decide if your householder development proposal requires planning permission please download and complete our Domestic Development Enquiry Form (PDF) Form (Word). Domestic Development Enquiry Form - Windows (PDF), Form (Word). If your development proposal is for a commercial development (non-domestic) please download and complete our Development Enquiry form (PDF) Form (Word).  If your proposal is for a business to be run from your home address complete our Do I Need Permission to Operate a Small Business from my Home? form (PDF) Form (Word). If you are considering or are already operating a short term let complete our Do I Need Permission to Operate a Short Term Let? form (PDF) Form (Word). Answer as many of the questions as required, where relevant, please provide a sketch of the proposed development. If possible please provide photographs of the site as well.

There is a charge for this service, please refer to our scale of fees for the current charge.

There is a specific form for use by Community Groups.  The form can be found here.  There is no charge for this service for Community Groups. 

Return completed forms via email to  or post to Development Management, Environmental Services, The Moray Council, High Street, Elgin, IV30 1BX.

Once we have received your form and fee, we will acknowledge it and inform you of the Planning Officer dealing with your enquiry. If you have any queries throughout the process, these should be directed to your Planning Officer.

Once your Planning Officer has determined whether or not planning permission is or is not required, you will receive a written response. In most instances, this response will be issued within 28 days of receipt, however on some occasions more information may be required which may delay the response time.

IMPORTANT: Please note that even if you do not require planning permission, a Building Warrant may be required. Building Warrants are also sometimes required alongside Planning Permission. Read more on our Building Standards section.

Other Related Consents

Advertisement Consent

Advertisement Consent for the display of signage on buildings or land. Apply online.

Certificate of Lawfulness (existing)

Used when a development or use has been carried out in the past without the proper permission being in place or where a development or use has been carried out not in line with the terms of the planning permission granted. It is a procedure that allows the planning authority to make a binding decision that such development or use may continue without fear of enforcement action. Apply online.

Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed)

Where confirmation is sought that planning permission is not required for a proposed development or use of land/building(s), then a Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed Use or Development can be sought. A certificate will provide proof that the Council, as Planning Authority, consider the development or use proposed to be lawful and that it does not require planning permission.

Where a certificate is sought and it is determined that planning permission is required, a refusal will be issued. This can be appealed via Scottish Ministers.

Guidance on how to make an application, as well as making an application can be done online. A fee will be required to accompany any application, and this will vary depending on the development/use proposed. A fee calculator is available on this link but in general fees are charged at 50% of the normal planning application fee for the works is required for Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed Use or Development. When navigating this website and applying please make sure you use Proposed rather than Existing.

Any queries on the application process should be directed to the Duty Planning Officer (see below).

Listed Building Consent

Listed Building Consent for the alteration or extension (internal or external) to a Listed Building. Apply online.

Hazardous Substances Consent

Hazardous Substances Consents are required for storage of any substantive quantities hazardous substances, and most commonly in Moray required for the production and storage of ethanol in whisky production. The list of ‘substances’ are contained within The Town and Country Planning (Hazardous substances) (Scotland) Regulations 2015.

Any new facility using or storing hazardous substances, changes in quantity/type of substances, or partial change of ownership of hazardous substances premises may require a Hazardous Substances Consent from the Council.
Forms and advice may also be obtained from the Health and Safety Executive at

Prior Notifications 

Agricultural and Forestry Buildings

Residential and Flexible Commercial Use

Private Ways for Agricultural and Forestry Use

Windows in Conservation Areas

Free standing wind turbines in the curtilage of domestic properties

Duty Officer

A Planning Officer is available on telephone 0300 1234561 to provide general guidance and advice on planning matters from 2pm to 4pm, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  If your enquiry relates to a proposal and whether or not planning permission is required please complete the form at the top of the page.  Verbal confirmation will not be provided over the telephone.  

If you have a preliminary enquiry follow the link below and complete the relevant form:

There is also a Building Standards Officer available on telephone 0300 124561 to provide general guidance and advice on Building Standards matters from 2pm and 4pm, Monday to Friday.  

Contact Us

Development Management
Economic Growth & Development
The Moray Council
PO Box 6760, Elgin
IV30 9BX

0300 1234561

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