The Moray Economic Strategy and Elgin City for the Future

The Moray Economic Strategy has been produced from two complementary reports commissioned by The Moray Community Planning Partnership,(MCCP) namely ‘Elgin-City For The Future’ and ‘The Moray Economic Strategy’ Final Draft Reports. These documents can be accessed through the links below.

The MCPP is a partnership including The Moray Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Moray College UHI, NHS Grampian, Grampian Police, Grampian Fire and Rescue, HITRANS, and the voluntary sector.

The Moray Economic Strategy provides a long term strategy to influence decision makers in addressing the challenges in  diversifying  the economy of Moray. These include a  need to reduce the prominence of low paid and public sector employment, including the defence sector, and outward migration of young people.

The MCCP has recognised that in producing The Moray Economic Strategy, a comprehensive approach was required, involving all the community planning partners working together  with The Moray Economic Partnership, Scottish Government, the defence sector, business, residents, and investors nationally and internationally.

This  partnership has  developed a vision for Moray, backed by a focussed Action Plan to deliver a vibrant 21st Century Moray with a broad and diversified economic base.

The aims for Moray are clear : to deliver population growth to potentially exceed 90,000; employment growth, with the creation of more than 5,000 jobs; and to raise earnings to above the Scottish average.

The Action Plan identifies a range of projects, with opportunities for investment in life sciences, technology, engineering, renewable energy, broadband, tourism, and an Elgin City Centre Masterplan.

The Community Planning Partnership, in conjunction with The Moray Economic Partnership, has developed a Governance Structure, which will  ensure continued engagement between partners and the business and resident communities, and communicate progress on the delivery and implementation of the Action Plan.’


    Elgin City for the Future - Final Draft Report - Part 3 - Masterplan:

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