Information and Research

We hold a large amount of data and information. This includes Census, forecasts, unemployment and a wide range of other information related to Moray.


Census 2011 and other statistics

Employment/Unemployment in Moray

Morays Labour Market Profile from NOMIS

Local Labour Market Information

Skills Development Scotland (Including Annual Regional Skills Assessment) Research Online

Office for National Statistics nomis official labour market statistics

Business and Enterprise

Browse the Scottish Government pages for statistics, analysis and research on business and enterprise

Moray Information 2012

Facts and figures for the Moray Area. Moray Information (PDF) (43 pages, 156kb) updated February 2012.

Moray Economic Profile

Moray Area Profile and Town Profiles

Moray Dataset March 2016 (PDF)

Moray Regional Deal Economic Baseline Assessment 2016 (PDF)

The SLAED Indicators Framework provides evidence on what councils are delivering as ‘local economic development agencies’.


The Land Based Sector in the NE of Scotland: 2016 Study.

Contact Us

Planning & Development
The Moray Council
Council Office
High Street, Elgin
IV30 1BX

0300 123 4561

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