
2011 Census

Scotland’s biggest population count, the 2011 Census, took place on Sunday 27 March and everyone was included.

The census is overseen by the General Register Office of Scotland  and is the only survey to ask us all the same questions at the same time. It is how people across Scotland send a message to government and businesses about the services they and their community need, now and in the future.

The census paints a picture of Scotland as a nation and through its communities. This reliable measure of the size of the population and the statistics about our circumstances – including age, health, accommodation – that are derived from it are used to help target and deliver billions of pounds worth of public services. The census informs the planning of health, education and transport services as well as business investment and retail opportunities throughout Scotland.

Personal information is kept confidential for 100 years.

For more information or help visit: www.scotlandscensus.gov.uk

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