Rent Arrears Policy - Section 14

14.    Former Tenant Arrears (House, Garage and Site Rental)

14.1. Former tenants are tenants who have terminated a tenancy and have outstanding rent arrears related to the property vacated

14.2 All tenants, when terminating their tenancy, are encouraged to pay any outstanding arrears of rent and will be advised of the implications involved if rent arrears are not paid in full.

14.3 Arrears control and recovery action will be activated when the status of the tenancy changes to former tenant. Recovery is based on a staged escalation process.

14.4 Former tenants in arrears will be encouraged to agree a repayment plan that is affordable and sustainable.

14.5 Detailed procedures for arrears recovery ensure that each case will be regularly monitored and appropriate action taken.

14.6 Where attempts to recover arrears by letter have failed, or the former tenant’s whereabouts are unknown, the debt will be referred to the Debt Collection Agency used by the Council.

14.7 Legal action to recover the arrears will be taken in cases where, an assessment of the former tenant’s financial circumstances, indicate that such action would be appropriate.

14.8 Where the arrears are in respect of a deceased tenant action will be limited to contacting the next of kin or executor to claim against the estate.

14.9 Where a debt is uneconomic to pursue or there is no prospect of recovery, the debt will be written off in accordance with the Council’s policy on irrecoverable debt.

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