Employability Fund

General Information

The Employability Fund has been allocated to six providers in Moray who are contracted to Skills Development Scotland to deliver employability training at stages 2 3 and 4. 

Definition of Training Provided

Definition of the training provided at each stage
Not Job Ready
Job Ready
Job Ready
Barrier removal Vocational Activity and work focussed training Employer engagement/support
Specialist provision Vocational Training Job matching
Core skills Job Search Advice Broking
Confidence Building  Work Experience Placement Exit & Aftercare supported activity to apply and secure a progressive and sustainable destination
Basic Life & Coping skills Raise awareness of enterprise & entrepreneurship Initiatives to encourage employers to understand the needs of vulnerable groups and which provide support to the employer where required
Literacy & Numeracy Accredited pre-employment training for core skills (eg ICT) Innovative approaches to job matching/
Personal & Motivational Programmes Vocational training specific to the 7 Key Sectors and other high participation sectors employer engagement
ESOL Industry specific qualifications eg CSCS, SVQ in Construction, Care, etc (non statutory Supported Employment Employer Engagement Initiatives which identify 'supports' a person might need in the workplace
Specialist & non-traditional employability provision (eg debt/financial, homelessness) Supported Volunteering Training, mentoring & supporting men and women into occupations or sectors where their gender is under-represented
Supported Employment initiatives that will help individuals make their own vocational choices. Progression preparation Assistance with childcare and for dependent persons
Assistance with childcare & care for dependent persons support whilst the beneficiary is in training, work placement, volunteering. Assistance with childcare & care for dependent persons support whilst the beneficiary is in training, work placement. Support whilst the beneficiary is in training, work placement.

Training Providers

The organisations and the stages of support they provide:
Provider Stages of support provided Contact details Provider Fact Sheets
Working Rite Stage 3 & 4 Working Rite Stage 3 (PDF)
Stage 4 (PDF)
Life Skills Stage 2,3 & 4 Life Skills Stage 2 (PDF)
Stage 3 (PDF)
Stage 4 (PDF)
Moray College Stages 3 & 4 Moray College Stage 3 (PDF)
Stage 4 (PDF)
Moray Training Stages 2 3 & 4 Moray Training Stage 2 (PDF)
Stage 3 (PDF)
Stage 4 (PDF)
Barnardo's Works Stages 2 & 3


Stage 2 (PDF)
Stage 3 (PDF)


Eligibility Criteria

  1. An individual who is 16 or 17 years old not in education, employment or training and case managed by Skills Development Scotland
  2. An individual who is 16 or 17 years old not in education, employment or training and not case managed by Skills Development Scotland
  3. An individual who is 18 – 24 years old, unemployed between 3 and 9 months, not participating on the Work Programme and in receipt of benefit
  4. An individual who is over 25 years old, unemployed between 3 and 12 months, not participating on the Work Programme and in receipt of benefit
  5. An individual who is over 18 years old, unemployed and not in receipt of benefit
  6. An individual who is over 18 years old, not participating on the Work Programme, in receipt of Benefit and unemployed for less than 3 months who falls into one of the following categories:
    • Young person not in school
    • Disabled person
    • Lone parents
    • Refugees
    • Sector based work academies
    • SIMD
    • Redundant worker
    • Ex offenders
    • DWP Work Programme completers
    • Other as agreed with Skills Development Scotland

  7. An individual of any age who is under threat of redundancy and within 3 months of their notified date of redundancy 



Skills Development Scotland
7 Commerce Street
IV30 1BS

Tel: 01343 548884

Or your local Jobcentre

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