Opportunities for All

The Scottish Government has made clear its explicit commitment to young people in Scotland through Opportunities for All which offers all 16-19 year olds not in work, education or training a place in learning or training.  This commitment, launched in April 2012, will ensure that all young people have the opportunity to improve their chances of sustainable employment through learning and training.  

Opportunities for All builds upon the well-established 16+ Learning Choices approach which helps young people to progress successfully from school to further learning, training or employment.  Since the introduction of 16+ Learning Choices in 2008, there have been steady improvements in school leaver destinations - 87.2% of leavers in 2011 sustained a positive destination (average Scotland) the current level for Moray school leavers is 90.1%.

Opportunities for All takes this approach to the next level with a focus on ongoing engagement in education and training for those 16-19 year-olds at greatest risk of becoming long term unemployed.  To support the implementation of Opportunities for All Moray Council working in partnership with Moray College, Skills Development Scotland, Department of Work and Pensions, training providers, the third and voluntary sector and local businesses, to provide a variety of opportunities including modern apprenticeships, specific College and other training programmes and to develop work experience opportunities.  

The Scottish Government Supports local authorities to deliver Activity Agreements, which provide a package of tailored activity and learning to re-engage young people furthest from the labour market; (see section Activity Agreements).  

The Education Maintenance Allowance to provide financial help to young people who need it most stay in education has been retained.  

Skills Development Scotland has been reconfigured to provide an in-depth range of careers support to young people through 'My World of Work' and other social media; and introduce more intensive support for young people most likely to disengage from learning and employment through 'My Work Coach'.  

View more information on Opportunities for All in Moray (PDF)  or contact the 16+ Learning Choices Development Officer on either educationandsocialcare@moray.gov.uk or 01343 563108.

Contact Us

16+/Opportunities for All Officer
Education and Social Care
Council Offices, High Street,
Elgin, Moray,
IV30 1BX

01343 563108

01343 563990


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