16+ Learning Choices

16+ Learning Choices guarantees an offer of a place in post-16 learning for every eligible young person who wants it and is an integral part of Curriculum for Excellence.  It aims to provide: the right learning with a range of options on personalisation and choice; the right support to remove barriers that might restrict young people’s learning choices,  the appropriate information, advice and guidance; and the right financial support to help young people take up the offer which is right for them.  During a young person’s final year of statutory schooling, school guidance and Skills Development Scotland (careers) staff, perhaps supported by staff from other services, will be in discussion with pupils to identify the most appropriate offer and to work through any difficulties that prevent a smooth transition post 16.

Moray’s Action plan for delivering the above includes the following key elements:-

  • To work through the Getting it Right For Every Child agenda in terms of early intervention and prevention
  • To work with Schools, Colleges, other council sections, training providers, third sector partners and employers in providing a range of options that are aimed to be relevant, attractive and appropriate to young people on reaching statutory school leaving age
  • To work in particular with Skills Development Scotland to provide the right information, advice and guidance
  • To focus on particular vulnerable groups
  • To research risk factors
  • To improve data sharing
  • To roll out Activity Agreements
  • To identify and develop a menu of opportunities

Read more about 16+ learning choices (PDF) and/or contact the 16+ Learning Choices Development Officer on either educationandsocialcare@moray.gov.uk or 01343 563108.

Contact Us

16+/Opportunities for All Officer
Education and Social Care
Council Offices, High Street,
Elgin, Moray,
IV30 1BX

01343 563108

01343 563990


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