Community Care News

There's a lot going on in Community Care here in Moray and nationally. Here we aim to highlight news of some of the events, changes, consultations and improvements being made.

Integration of Health and Social Care in Moray

Integration of adult health and social care is part of the Scottish Government's programme of reform to improve the health and wellbeing of people in their communities.

A  integration scheme document, which is the legally binding contract between NHS Grampian and the Moray Council, setting out duties and responsibilities, has been drafted and subject to consultation.

You can read more about the scheme and the next steps here.

Moray DUO - Buckie Open Day

Moray DUO, which has been set up by people who use the Moray Resource Centre, is holding an open meeting  with the aim of forming a support group for people affected by physical and sensory disabilities. The meeting will be held in Buckie Community Centre, West Cathcart Street, on Monday 23rd March from 2-4pm.

Click here to see the event poster.

Moray Autism One Stop Shop - March calendar of events

The One Shop Shop has a busy programme of information drop-ins and peer support opportunities running at venues across Moray during March. You can see the newsletter and calendar here.

Moray Mental Health newsletter

The December newsletter of the Moray Mental Health Group is available here.

Contact Us

Project Officer (Communications)

01343 567187

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