Food Waste Collections

Read about composting

Food waste is one of the heaviest materials in the bin and therefore will cost YOU money when being sent to landfill. When waste is sent to landfill a tax must be paid on it called Landfill Tax, which currently sits at £98.60 per tonne (2022/2023). This money is being needlessly wasted; if food is correctly placed in your brown bin for composting it could save us THOUSANDS of pounds every year, which could be better spent elsewhere.

A recent waste audit was carried out across Moray. The purpose of the audit was to determine how much recycling was still being placed in the green bin and sent for landfilling. The results of the audit found that approximately half the waste placed in the green bin could have been recycled (49%), of this 36% of this was food waste.

To comply with the Scottish Governments Zero Waste Regulations, we supplied every household with a 6-litre kitchen caddy to help store food waste before it is transferred to your existing brown bin.

Households which do not have a brown bin can be provided with a 23-litre lockable food waste caddy which can be kept alongside their wheeled bin and presented at the kerbside or nearest collection point for servicing. 

√ Yes Please                                                                 

All cooked and uncooked food including:

  • Fruit and vegetables                                      
  • Beans, pasta, rice and cereals
  • Bread, pastries and cakes
  • Cheese, yoghurt and eggs (inc shells)
  • Raw and cooked meat, and fish (inc bones)
  • Tea bags and coffee grounds
  • Leftover snacks and takeaways
  • Pet food

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  • Plastic bags
  • Foil or cling film
  • Food or drinks containers
  • Bottles, cans or jars
  • Packaging

You can either:

  • wrap your food waste in a sheet of newspaper before placing it in your brown bin/caddy, or
  • line your kitchen caddy with newspaper or a compostable liner and place in your brown bin when full, or
  • put food waste directly into you caddy or brown bin and wash out as necessary.

Please only use compostable liners if this is your preferred option.  They can be purchased from all major supermarkets or online.

You must use liners that carry the seedling logo and/or are certified to BS EN 13432 standard.  Bins/caddies containing plastic bags or non-compostable liners will not be serviced.

Please present your brown bin/caddy at the kerbside for 7.30am on your collection day. Bins/caddies containing plastic bags or non-food/garden waste will not be serviced.

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