Housing Service - Estate Management Policy - Section 1
1. Scope of the Policy
1.1 This policy encompasses estate management activity and is specific to land and property that is owned by the Housing Service. Estate management refers to the effective management of the environment around our properties and any common areas, to ensure that the neighbourhood is an attractive, well-maintained and safe and secure place to live.
1.2 Estate management therefore incorporates activities such as (but not exclusively):
- Care taking
- Common area maintenance
- Close cleaning
- Grounds maintenance
- Litter waste collection
- Removal of abandoned cars
- Removal of graffiti
- Management of garages, sheds and other estate buildings
- Environmental audits
- Estate visits
- Dog mess
- Stray dogs
- Infestations
- Permissions;
- General aesthetics; and
- Health and safety issues
1.3 This policy recognises the increasing multi-tenure of many estates and therefore, services to tenants cannot be delivered in isolation from the wider community. Increasingly, the Housing Service seeks to focus on neighbourhood management in a wider sense.
1.4 The Council will ensure that no individual is discriminated against on grounds of sex or marital status, on racial grounds, or on grounds of disability, age, sexual orientation, language or social origin, or other personal attributes, including beliefs, or opinions, such as religious beliefs or political opinions. The Council will ensure the promotion of equal opportunities by publishing information and documentation in different languages and other formats such as large print, tape and Braille as required.
View Section 2 - Local Housing Strategy/Corporate Development Plan/ Service Improvement Plan