Private Landlord Registration Enforcement Policy
Objectives and principles of the policy
The overall aim of the policy is to ensure that landlords comply with current legislation and good practice and ensure that all private landlords are "fit and proper" to be letting residential property. The requirement will help to remove disreputable landlords from the market and protect tenants and their neighbours from the impact of antisocial behaviour and mismanaged property in the wider community.
The specific objectives of the Private Landlord Registration Enforcement Policy are:
- to ensure that all private landlords within Moray are registered in accordance with current legislation;
- to identify landlords who are failing to meet minimum legal requirements, in relation to the standard of their accommodation;
- to use enforcement sanctions when necessary as a tool for raising standards in the private rented sector in Moray; and
- to provide a framework which ensures that the scheme operates in a fair, transparent and accountable manner.
The principles underpinning the Policy are:
- The Council will implement detailed procedures and agreed practices uniformly across the service;
- Training is provided to ensure that staff are equipped to carry out the roles expected of them; and
- Communication with landlords, tenants and service users is in “plain language” and will make clear who the appropriate officer is to contact in the case of queries.