Supported Lodgings

If you are a young person leaving foster or residential placements, supported lodgings is a place where you can stay with a family or individual and they can support you developing the skills you need, before living independently in your own accommodation.

In Moray, there are two types of supported lodgings available:

  • a room in a person’s home or
  • a studio/bedsit which is part of a larger house.

Depending on your circumstances you will have to make a small financial contribution towards your board and lodgings, but this will be agreed before you move in.

Can you provide Supported Lodgings?

You could be just the person we need, if you are a caring person who:

  • Lives in Moray
  • Enjoys the company of young people
  • Has a spare bedroom
  • Has some spare time
  • Wants to help young people

You can be married or single, working or not – there is no set requirements as each applicant will be assessed on an individual basis.

You will receive a weekly placement allowance.

Still interested?

Contact us and we’ll provide you with more details before you make your final decision. Placements can last from three months to two years and will vary with each young person.  You will help the young person develop skills they will need for lifelong living and this will be done alongside their worker from a member from our team.

You will receive support and guidance from the Supported Lodgings Link Worker, who will meet with you regularly to ensure that all is going well.

Placement Agreement

Before a young person is placed with you, there will be a meeting where a placement agreement is drawn up. This sets out the general house rules and everyone at the meeting will negotiate these.  There are also regular updates of the young person’s progress, usually held every six weeks.

Contact Us

Supported Lodgings
Rose Cottage
PO Box 6770
IV30 9BX

01343 563568

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