Getting it Right for Every Child
Please note: current guidance is being revised due to the Supreme Court ruling.
What is Getting It Right For Every Child?
Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) is a Scottish Government programme which promotes integrated working and partnership between professionals and families to provide the right help for a child or young person at the right time. It is about all children and young people and applies to children's and adult's services. Local authorities, including all statutory and voluntary agencies, are required to work in this way. Together, they can ensure that Scotland’s children and young people meet the wellbeing indicators of being safe, healthy, active, nurtured, achieving, respected, responsible and included; and can achieve their potential.
What are the key aims of Getting It Right For Every Child?
- Children and young people get the help they need, when they need it.
- Children’s and young people’s views are central to decision-making processes.
- Lead professionals co-ordinate help by pulling together a ‘Team Around The Child'.
- The ‘Team Around a Child’ is accountable to the child, family, and to each other for completing actions agreed in the action plan.
- Local authorities’ assessment and planning processes are streamlined to ensure better outcomes for children/young people, in one consistent approach.
- Professionals share information appropriately, and in line with their agreed protocols, for the benefit of the child.
- Professionals work in partnership with parents to meet identified needs.
- Local authorities work towards one single plan to meet the child’s needs.
- Children and young people and parents/carers are integral to the process of action planning and decision making and work together with professionals to take responsibility in seeking appropriate solutions.
The Scottish Government GIRFEC Website
There have been some recent changes to make it more user friendly for children, young people and their families. On the website you can find generic leaflets to explain GIRFEC, the Child’s Plan, Wellbeing and the Named Person that may be useful to explain what these are as well as other resources.
Child Protection Learning Opportunities
Find out more about GIRFEC, including additional resources, information and explanations about the principles and background of GIRFEC, including The Child's Plan, Wellbeing (SHANARRI) and The Named Person
Moray Children's Services Plan 2023 - 2026/Corporate Parenting Strategy
Click here for more information on the 2023 to 2026 plan and the Corporate Parenting Strategy
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Children’s Services Network
The Moray Council
High Street
IV30 1BX