Quality Assurance Performance and Planning
The Quality Assurance Performance and Planning Team (QAPP Team) was established in April 2017 and comprises of colleagues from across the Moray Community Planning Partnership.
The key function of the QAPP Team is to support the development and implementation of robust joint self evaluation and quality assurances processes across the Community Planning Partnership, in accordance with Quality Assurance Framework (see useful documents below).
These processes allow good practice to be evidenced and shared and areas for improvement to be identified early, so remedial action can be taken. The team supports staff from across the partnership to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to continuously improve outcomes for children, young people and families in Moray.
The team is led by Susan Leonard, Quality Assurance and Locality Manager and comprises of 3 Quality Assurance Officers employed by Moray Council, NHS Grampian and Police Scotland.
Quality Assurance Officers are aligned to each of the strategic groups within Children's Services in Moray. They also provide quality assurance support to the two locality management groups.
What we can do for you
- Provide guidance and support to assist you to build self-evaluation into your day to day business. By doing so, together we can continuously improve outcomes for children, young people and families in Moray,
- Collate self-evaluation activity in a central point so we can share learning and evidence of good practice, allowing us to focus our collective resources on activities which make a real difference to the lives or children, young people and families.
- Provide learning opportunities to help build the knowledge, skills and confidence of stakeholders to improve outcomes for children, young people and families in Moray.
Contact us via: Telephone number: 01343 563579 Email:qappcyp@moray.gov.uk
The QAPP Team details:-
SUSAN LEONARD | Quality Assurance & Locality Manager | 01343 563428 | susan.leonard@moray.gov.uk |
SUSAN STRONACH | Quality Assurance Officer (Corporate Parent) | 01343 563405 | susan.stronach@moray.gov.uk |
EMMA JOHNSTON | Quality Assurance Officer (Child Protection) (NHSG Rep) |
01343 563690 | emma.johnston@moray.gov.uk |
LYNSEY MCLEAN | Quality Assurance Officer (Police Scotland Rep) | 01343 563193 | lynsey.mclean@moray.gov.uk |
SANDRA MCCALLUM | Snr Business Support Administrator | 01343 563579 | sandra.mccallum@moray.gov.uk |