Free School Meals and Clothing Grants

Free school meals

All P1-P5 children are eligible for free school meals.  There is no need to complete any paperwork for this benefit but you do need to make an application if you wish to claim a Clothing Grant.  

The Scottish Government has made a commitment to extend the offer of free school meals to pupils in P6 and P7 whose families are in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment. Parents/carers of eligible P6 and P7 pupils who are not currently in receipt of free school meals can apply by emailing the following information to 

  • A clear photo of your Scottish Child Payment award letter
  • Your child's name
  • Your child's date of birth
  • Your child's school
  • Your child's year group (P6 or P7)

Your child's school meal will be free if you are in receipt of Scottish Child Payment, but you will not be entitled to a clothing grant or holiday payments.

Children who are eligible for free school meals will be credited with a daily allowance within the cashless catering system used in primary schools and in secondary school the child's NEC card will be credited with a daily allowance.

Clothing grant

Families on low incomes may be eligible to receive a School Clothing Grant award of £120 for a Primary-aged child or £150 for a Secondary-aged child.  The award is given annually to assist with the cost of purchasing essential school clothing.  Only one clothing grant claim can be made per child for each year (1 April-31 March).

Check your eligibility

You can make a claim for free school meals or a clothing grant if you are receiving any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seekers' Allowance
  • Any income related element of Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit but not Working Tax Credit, with an income of less than £19.995
  • Both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit with an income of up to £9,552
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit with a monthly earned income of not more than £796

If you are aged 16-18 years old, you may make a claim for free school meals and clothing grants, in your own right, if you receive any of the benefits that make you eligible.
If you are eligible for an EMA, you can’t apply for a clothing grant but can still request free school meals.

Make an application

If you are eligible and wish to make a new claim, complete an application form (PDF) and return directly, with the evidence requested on the form, to the Benefits Service. You can contact the Benefits Service to request an application form by post.

If you already receive free school means or a clothing grant you do not need to reapply, the Benefits Service will contact you automatically by post. If you have any queries you can contact the Benefits Service.

Please note:

  • Claims will not be backdated and will only come into force once the Benefits Service has received the assessed form
  • Free school meals stop when you no longer receive any of the eligible benefits
  • If you are in receipt of Tax Credits we will need to see your latest Tax Credit Award Notice
  • It is your responsibility to inform the Benefits Service of any change in circumstances affecting Free School Meals/Clothing Grant

How it is paid

Primary school children who are eligible for free school meals will have a daily credit added to their account on the school cashless catering system (iPay).  Secondary school children will have a daily credit added to their NEC card. In both cases the schools will be notified.

Clothing grants will be paid directly into the bank account of the parent/guardian who has signed the application form.

When your circumstances change

If your household income changes and you are no longer eligible for free school meals, the Benefits Service will advise the school and the daily credit to the NEC card will end.

Help with school meals during school holidays 

If you get free school meals you may also be able to get help during the school holidays. To qualify you need to receive one of the benefits in the eligibility section above. Moray Council will make direct payments into bank accounts on the dates below. Children receiving free school meals due to universal access for primary pupils are not eligible for these payments.

Holiday period Payment into bank account on Value per child
February mid-term holiday 2025 Tuesday 11 February 2025

£4.90 per primary school child

£5.30 per secondary school child

If you have changed your bank account details since you received the last support payment please contact

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