Other Circumstances

When a School may need to make Special Arrangements for Pupils with Medical Need

School Trips

48. It is good practice for schools to encourage pupils with medical needs to participate in school trips, wherever safety permits.

49. Sometimes the school may need to take additional safety measures for outside visits.  Arrangements for taking any necessary medication will also need to be taken into consideration.  Staff supervising excursions should always be aware of any medical needs, and relevant emergency procedures.  Sometimes an additional supervisor or parent might accompany a particular pupil.  If staff are concerned about whether they can provide for a pupil’s safety, or the safety of other pupils on a trip, they should seek medical advice from the School Health Service or the child’s GP well in advance of the trip taking place.  For further information on school trips see Admin Handbook – Health and Safety, HS/004, Organisation of Foreign Travel and HS/003, Unaccompanied Out-of-School Curricular Activities.

School Activities

50. Most pupils with medical conditions can participate in extra-curricular sport or in the PE    curriculum which is sufficiently flexible for all pupils to follow in ways appropriate to their own abilities.  For many, physical activity can benefit their overall social, mental and physical health and well-being.  Any restrictions on a pupil’s ability to participate in PE should be included in their individual IPP.

51. Some pupils may need to take precautionary measures before or during exercise, and/or   need to be allowed immediate access to their medication if necessary.  Teachers supervising sporting activities should be aware of relevant medical conditions and emergency procedures.

School Transport

52. The Education Authority arranges home to school transport where legally required to do so.  It has a duty to make sure that pupils are safe during the journey.  Most pupils with medical needs do not require supervision on school transport, but it may be provided in certain cases.

53. If a pupil with medical needs may require medicine to be administered either on a regular basis on the journey or on an occasional but urgent basis on the journey, serious consideration should be given by the authority as to whether it is appropriate for that  pupil to travel on school transport.  In the exceptional circumstance that a pupil with known medical needs does travel on school transport and an urgent situation arises, the escort would require to take appropriate emergency action.

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