Drawing up an Individual Pupil Protocol
Purpose of an Individual Pupil Protocol
65. The level of support that is required at school can be ascertained by the completion of an Individual Pupil Protocol for each pupil with medical needs. A written agreement will clarify for parents, pupil and staff the help that the school can provide and receive. Each school should agree with parents how often they should review the IPP. This can be done at the annual review of educational progress or more often if required. Schools must make parents aware, however, that in the event that the child’s GP or other relevant health professional advises any alteration to the child’s IPP, this should be brought immediately to the attention of the school by the parents.
66. If at the time of registration and enrolment to school, a significant medical need is made known, the school should make an initial assessment of the child’s medical needs prior to the child being admitted to school. The school should try to identify, through the parents initially, what level of medical support may be required. Where the Head Teacher has doubts about the school’s ability to meet any significant medical need, advice should be sought from the Support Services Manager where a Placing Request may arise as a consequence.; and/or the Principal Educational Psychologist where a Record of Needs exists or is in process.
67. Drawing up an IPP should not be onerous, although each one will contain different levels of detail according to the needs of the individual pupil. Schools should use Form 1med. Those who may need to contribute to an Individual Pupil Profile are:
- the Head Teacher
- the parent or guardian
- the child (if sufficiently mature)
- class teacher (primary schools)/Guidance Teacher (secondary schools)
- care assistant or support staff (if applicable)
- school staff who have agreed to administer medication or be trained in emergency procedures
- the School Health Service, the child’s GP or other health care professionals (depending on the level of support the child needs).
- IPPs should be counter-signed by the relevant health professional where appropriate
Co-ordinating Information
68. Disseminating information on an individual pupil with medical needs can be difficult, particularly in secondary schools. The Head Teacher may give a member of staff a specific responsibility for this role. In the primary setting this may be a designated member of staff: in secondary - Principal Teacher of Guidance. This person can be a first contact for parents and staff and liaise with external agencies.
Information for Staff and Others
69. Staff who may need to deal with an emergency will need to know about a pupil’s medical needs. The Head Teacher must make sure that supply teachers know about any medical needs. When a secondary school arranges work experience, the Head Teacher should ensure that the placement is suitable for a pupil with a particular medical condition. Pupils should be encouraged to share relevant medical information with employers.
Staff Training
70. An IPP may reveal the need for some school staff to have further information about a medical condition or specific training in administering a particular type of medication or in dealing with emergencies. School staff should not give medication without appropriate advice and/or training from health professionals. If school staff volunteer to assist a pupil with medical needs, the employer should arrange appropriate training in conjunction with Moray Health Services, who will be able to advise on further training needs.
71. The Head Teacher and school staff should treat medical information confidentially. The Head Teacher and Guidance staff should agree with the pupil (where he/she has the capacity) or otherwise the parent, who else should have access to records and other information about a pupil. If information is withheld from staff they should not generally be held responsible if they act incorrectly in giving medical assistance in good faith.
Intimate or Invasive Treatment
72. Some school staff are understandably reluctant to volunteer to administer intimate or invasive treatment because of the nature of the treatment, or fears about accusations of abuse. Parents and Head Teachers must respect such concerns and should not put any pressure on staff to assist in treatment unless they are entirely willing. Grampian Universities Hospital Trust has a “named professional” to whom schools can refer for advice. The Head Teacher should arrange appropriate training for school staff willing to give medical assistance. If the school can arrange for two adults, one of the same gender as the pupil, to be present for the administration of intimate or invasive treatment, this minimises the potential for accusations of abuse. Two adults often ease practical administration of treatment too. Staff should protect the dignity of the pupil as far as possible, even in emergencies.
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