Corporate Plan

The new Corporate Plan 2024-29 was adopted by the Council on 28 February 2024 and sets out what we want to achieve for Moray – the council’s vision, values and priorities. 

The Council's Corporate Plan identified Council priorities from the Moray 10 Year Local Outcomes Improvement Plan adding in corporate and administrative priorities.Our priorities were also influenced by the public consultation carried out in 2023.

The consultation took place over September and October 2023 when participants were asked whether they agreed with the proposed Council vision and priorities. 96% agreed or somewhat agreed with the proposed Vision and 94.5% agreed with the priorities.

The priorities, as ranked by the public are:

1) Tackle poverty and inequality
2) Build thriving, resilient, empowered communities
3) Build a stronger, greener, vibrant economy.

These survey responses, combined with the previous evidence gathering for the new plan ensured that appropriate priorities have been selected for the new Corporate Plan. The agreed plan identifies actions and indicators to help achieve the vision and priorities, which will now be embedded in council working.

Details on Moray Council's previous Corporate Plan 2019-2024 can be found on our Corporate Performance pages.

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High Street
IV30 1BX

01343 563050

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