Ancestry Research
In Scotland, compulsory civil registration of births, deaths and marriages commenced on 1 January 1855. For entries after this date it is possible to obtain an extract from the birth, death or marriage registers.
How and where to start
- Speak to older members of your family to gather information of names, dates, places, etc.
- Use your own birth certificate and work backwards in time. Make references of name, date and place of birth, death and/or marriage.
- Make an appointment with your local registrar to search the records.
Once on the right track it should be relatively simple to trace your line of descent back to 1855.
Registrar’s Offices
The registrar’s office in Elgin has experienced, friendly staff who can help you look into your family history. We have records available for the whole of Scotland.
There are two types of search:
- A ‘particular’ search is made by a registrar for a specified entry.
- A ‘general’ search means a search (in the indexes only) over any period of years for any number of entries made by any person with the permission of the registrar.
Searches can be carried out using ScotlandsPeople for a fee with the assistance of a registrar.
Particular Search: £5 flat rate for one specific entry
Extract: £15
Computer Searches: £25/up to one hour
An additional charge will be incurred for postage. This will be advised by the registrar.
To make an appointment for this service please contact the registrar using the details below.Apply for a copy of certificate
Contact Us
Council Offices
High Street
IV30 1BX
01343 554600