Burials and Cemeteries
We provide a burial service and look after cemeteries and burials grounds across Moray.
Further information on burials and cemeteries and how to contact us can be found using the links below:
Lairs and Lair Transfers
Burial Fees
Management Rules for Burial Ground and Cemeteries
Cemetery Maintenance
Sunken Lairs
To enquire about arranging a burial and for information on how to purchase or transfer a lair, please contact our Burials Admin team:
Burial Admin
Council Offices
High Street
IV30 1BX
Tel: 01343 563041
Email: burialsadmin@moray.gov.uk
Please note that we require a certificate of registration of death (Form 14), for a burial to take place. A death must be registered to get this form. You can find information on how to register a death here.
Our Burials Admin team can provide you or your funeral director with the relevant Statutory forms and related guidance which must be used when applying for a burial. The statutory application forms is a requirement of The Burial (Applications and Register) (Scotland) Regulations 2024.
Lairs and Lair Transfers
Information on lairs and lair transfers can be found within our Management Rules for All Cemeteries & Burial Grounds or by contacting our Burials Admin team at:
Burial Admin
Council Offices
High Street
IV30 1BX
Tel: 01343 563041
Email: burialsadmin@moray.gov.uk
To apply to install a headstone or make a change to headstone please contact our Burials Admin team at burialsadmin@moray.gov.uk or Tel 01343 563041
Lair holders are responsible for the maintenance and repairs of headstones and memorials.
To ensure the safety of the public, visitors and those working in our cemeteries, we carry out a programme of headstone safety inspections and, where practicable, we will contact lair holders if we assess that their headstone may need to be repaired. Should a headstone be assessed as unsafe and presenting an immediate risk we will take actions to make the headstone safe. All works carried out will be done in a sensitive and respectful manner. A video detailing the inspection process can be viewed online.
To report an unsafe headstone please contact our team at landsandparks@moray.gov.uk
Burial Fees
You can find information on burial and other related charges at this link. Funeral Support Payment is a benefit provided by Social Security Scotland for people living in Scotland. You can find information on the Funeral Support Payment and how to apply at this link.
Elgin Cemeteries
Elgin -Bellie, Birnie, Dipple, Drainie, Duffus, Dundurcas, Essil, Kirkhill, Lhanbryde, Rothes, Spynie, Urquhart, Lossiemouth - Kinneddar
Forres Cemeteries
Forres - Clovenside and Clunyhill, Alves, Burghead, Dallas, Dyke,Edinkillie, Kinloss, Knockando, Rafford
Buckie Cemeteries
Buckie - Buckie New, Buckie West, Hillhead, Rathven, Burnside, Cullen, Clochan, Deskford, St Ninians R.C.
Keith Cemeteries
Keith - Keith Old and Broomhill, Aberlour, Boharm, Botriphine, Cabrach, Downan Glenlivet, Grange,Glenrinnes,Inveravon Kirkmichael, Mortlach Dufftown, Rothiemay,Tomintoul, St Michaels R.C.-Tomintoul, Chapeltown R.C., Tombae-Glenlivet R.C.
Management Rules for Burial Ground and Cemeteries
The Council’s approved Management Rules for Burial Ground and Cemeteries can be found here.
Cemetery Maintenance
The Council will maintain cemeteries using the limited resources available to it for grounds maintenance and other maintenance works within cemeteries. Information on the level of grounds maintenance services that can be provided is available on our website at Lands, Parks and Countryside. In the event of a service disruption or delay to the delivery of routine maintenance works we will report this information on our service status page under Open Spaces.
Sunken Lairs
The Council will check Lairs within 4 weeks following an interment and arrange to fix any sunken ground where required. After this time the Council may repair sunken lairs at its discretion and if resources allow. You can report a sunken lair by contacting landsandparks@moray.gov.uk