Grass Cutting Scheme FAQs
The following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will give you more information on the grass cutting review and aims to answer some of your questions.
What is the grass cutting scheme?
The grass cutting scheme is a discretionary service (we don’t have a legal duty to have this service) we offer to help eligible tenants to maintain their gardens to acceptable standards.
Eligible tenants will pay an annual charge and will get their grass up to 10 times during April to October. The Scheme has a limited capacity and we cannot guarantee a place for applications received after 13 February 2025. If needed, we will have a waiting list.
The scheme is delivered by fully trained and insured staff from Moray Council’s Open Spaces Management and Cemetries team (called the Open Spaces Team). They use specialised equipment and have relevant insurances. They can also offer advice and information about health and safety, if any issues are identified during the garden visits.
Tenants don’t have to use our service. If they prefer, they can use other contractors.
Who is eligible for the grass cutting scheme?
You will be eligible if:
- you are a Council tenant with sole responsibility for maintaining your garden; and
- you are not able to cut your grass due to a recognised substantial and long-term illness, physical or mental health disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010*; and
- no other tenant lives with you who is able to cut the grass (please note this does not include other members of your household who are not tenants); and
- you get a physical or mental health related benefit. Examples of these benefits include, Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Adult Disability Payment (ADP), Pension Age Disability Payment (PADP) and Attendance Allowance. We may ask for evidence to confirm the receipt of benefit
How do I apply for the Grass Cutting Scheme?
Tenants must apply each year. You can find out if we are accepting applications for the Scheme on our website at
If you want to apply for the Grass Cutting Scheme, check if you meet the above eligibility criteria and if you do, you can fill in our online application form at
If you need a paper application form, please phone 0300 123 4566 or email
What happens after I apply?
We will automatically check your circumstances to make sure you are eligible. We will contact you and tell you if you have been accepted or not for the scheme. If you have not been accepted, you can reapply in future years if your circumstances change.
If you are accepted, you may not be guaranteed a space on the Scheme but will be put on the waiting list until a space becomes available.
How much does the Scheme cost?
The Grass Cutting Scheme has an annual charge of £248.80 + VAT = £298.56.
Tenants who get an income related benefit will pay £120 + VAT = £144.
We may ask for evidence to confirm the benefit entitlement before any discount is applied.
Examples of means tested benefits:
- Universal Credit Housing Benefit
- Pension Credit Council Tax Support
- Tax Credits Child Tax Credit
- Working Tax Credit Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance Income Support
The amount you pay is not refundable.
How do I pay for the Scheme? Can I pay in instalments?
We will send you an invoice which will include details of how you can pay. This will include information about paying by instalment. Payment must be made in full by 31 October 2025.
What will happen if I don’t pay?
We will work with you to see how we can help you to resolve any issue. If you don’t pay the amount you owe in full by the end of the season:
•You will not be eligible to apply for the following year; and
• We will take debt recovery action against you.
When will I get my grass cut?
We cannot give exact dates. Your grass will be cut up to 10 times during April – October on an approximate two-weekly cycle (weather permitting).
Are there times when you won’t cut grass?
If your garden is not maintained to an acceptable standard, we may not be able to cut the grass. You must make sure that your garden:
• is free from debris / objects including any cat / dog excrement; and
• is tidy and that it can be accessed (any gates unlocked) to cut the grass.
Animal fouling is a serious Health and Safety issue for the Open Spaces Team. If there is a large amount of pet fouling on a grass area, they will not cut the grass.
If we are not able to cut your grass, the cut will be missed and we won’t be able to return for that specific cut but you will still be charged. There will be no refund of the annual fee.
If we visit your house and cannot cut the grass, please do not harass or abuse our staff. If you do, you may be removed from the Scheme.
What the Scheme does not cover?
The Scheme does not include any weeding or trimming of hedges. We do not pick up grass cuttings.
Why are the grass cuttings not picked up?
This would increase the cost of the Scheme due to the additional machinery that would be needed.
Leaving the grass cuttings has benefits. It is recommended that when grass is cut during the spring and summer, the cutting should be left on the lawn. As it decomposes, the cuttings release up to 30 per cent of the lawn's required nutrients.
I pay for a garden waste permit. If someone else cuts my grass, can the grass cuttings be put in the brown bin?
Yes, grass cuttings from your own garden can be put into the brown bin and will be collected if you have a valid permit. Please note that grass cuttings will not be lifted if you get your grass cut as part of our scheme.
Will I have to apply for the Grass Cutting Scheme every year?
The Scheme will finish each year at the end of the season in October. You will need to reapply each year before the scheme starts in April. We will publicise when we are accepting applications for the Scheme.
More information, including when applications are being accepted, is available on our website at
Who do I contact I want to make a complaint about the Grass Cutting Scheme?
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your application, you can request a review by writing to you Area Housing Manager. If you are still not satisfied with the outcome of the case, it will be referred to the Housing Services Manager for their consideration.