Call for Sites 2024 -Moray Local Development Plan 2027


The “Call for Sites” is an opportunity for individuals, landowners and developers to suggest sites for development within Moray (excluding the Cairngorms National Park) for development over the next 10 to 15 years. The sites suggested will be used to inform the preparation of the new Local Development Plan.

Preparing the Evidence Report for the new Local Development Plan has highlighted the following areas where we are particularly interested in receiving submissions.

  • Brownfield sites for redevelopment
  • Sites for facilities or services to support local living 
  • Sites for business and industry with a particular need for general industrial and large inward investment sites.
  • Sites for renewable and low carbon energy developments (e.g. battery storage, solar array, hydrogen etc)

Sites can also be suggested for other uses including housing, industrial, retail, leisure, community, tourism, or a mix of uses.

How and when to submit your site?

Sites must be submitted by Friday 23rd August 2024.

Online form 

The online form should be used to submit your site. This must be accompanied by a clear site plan showing a site boundary and vehicle and active travel connection points. Additional information, plans, photos etc can also be added to the online form.Any queries relating to your submission should be emailed to  

Please note if you submitted a proposal for a site to the 2023 Call for Ideas you do not require to resubmit this to the Call for Sites 2024. We are currently in the process of assessing the sites submitted to the 2023 Call for Ideas.

Who should respond?

Anyone with an idea for the development of land/or site can respond.  This could include individuals, landowners, developers, builders or any other interested group.
We do however require ownership details in order to confirm the availability of the site for the proposed use.

What should you submit?

To help us assess your site we require a clear understanding of the proposed use including potential unit numbers or floor spaces, site ownership and timing of potential development. Information on available site infrastructure should also be indicated on the online form.

Proposals must be accompanied by a plan showing a boundary of the site, the intended point(s) of access (vehicular and active travel) and available visibility at access points. The submission can also be accompanied by photos, plans or illustrations that help support your site.

What will happen with my submission?

We will assess all sites with input from other services and agencies. Once assessed the merits of including sites within the new Local Development Plan will be considered.  

We may get in touch with you for further information regarding the site and its deliverability.

Sites will be reported to Committee with a recommendation as to whether they are included within the Proposed Plan.

Existing Sites within the Local Development Plan

We will be reassessing all the sites within the existing Moray Local Development Plan 2020 to consider if these sites are carried over into the new plan. Where existing sites remain undeveloped we will be contacting landowners and developers for further information relating to the delivery of these sites.

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