Electrical Safety
As your landlord, we have a legal duty to carry out an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) on your home every 5 years. This will make sure your property meets the minimum legal safety standards needed for electrical safety in social housing. We can only carry out the work if we get access to your property.
Our priority is to keep you and your family safe in your home but we cannot do this without your help.
Who will carry out the work? - We are using approved electricians from the following Moray Council approved contractors:
APF Heating and Mechanical Services Ltd, Elgin - 01343 548848
I Fraser and Sons, Rothes - 01340 831302
PHS Compliance Planning Team - 0330 588 5004
Summit Facilities Services Ltd, Dundee - 01382 214153
Valley Group, Glasgow - 0141 648 9334 (Carol Fisher)
If you have any queries or issues please contact the contractor directly before the appointment, using the numbers above.
How do I know if the electrician is legitimate? - All the electricians will carry photographic company ID – please ask to see it. You can also phone our Moray Council Contact Centre on 0300 123 4566 to confirm they are an approved Moray Council contractor.
How long will the initial inspection take? Approximately 2-4 hours depending on the property type. If anything is found that may need corrective action it may be longer or an extra follow-up appointment may be needed.
What do I need to do for the appointment? Please make sure:
- sockets, lights, switches and electricity meters / consumer units have clear, safe access to make the visit easier and quicker; and
- if you have prepaid gas or electric meters, please make sure they are in credit. We will need electric to do the check. If we cannot carry out the work because you have no electricity, we will have to make another appointment which could lead to you being re-charged the costs of the first appointment that could not go ahead.
If you don’t have credit because you can’t afford it or you are having problems topping up your meter please contact your energy supplier. They should be able to help you add temporary credit to your meter automatically. You can check your supplier’s website to find out how to get temporary credit.
For more information please visit Moray Citizens Advice webpage https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/energy/energy-supply/get-help-paying-your-bills/you-cant-afford-to-top-up-your-prepayment-meter/ .
If you are struggling due to the current cost of living crisis please visit our webpage which offers a lot of useful advice including available grants, money and energy saving advice www.moray.gov.uk/costoflivingadvice.
What will happen at the appointment? The contractors will:
- test all electrical wiring and fittings to identify any upgrade needed;
- need to switch off the power for a short period during the testing;
- carry out any remedial work that can be done at the appointment;
- tidy up any mess caused during the work;
- take photographs of any circuit boards, smoke alarms and ventilation fans for our records;
- wear boot covers where necessary as requested.
For your own safety, please follow any information or instruction provided by the approved contractor.
Do I have to give access?
It is a legal responsibility under your tenancy agreement to give us and our contractors access to carry out essential work. If there is a genuine reason why you cannot give access for the work please tell us and we can work with you to find the best solution to get the works undertaken.
What happens if I don’t give access?
The council electrician or the employed sub-contractor will refer these cases back to us. We will try to continue to contact you to arrange access. If we do not hear from you or there is no real reason that would stop the work going ahead at this time we will have no option but to follow our escalation process, up to and including forced entry, but we want to do everything we can to avoid this happening.