Libraries - Housebound and Homes

What is the Housebound Reader Service?

The housebound Reader Service delivers library services and facilities to anyone who is unable to visit their local library through illness, immobility or disability.

Who can use the Service?

Anyone resident in Moray who is confined to bed for long periods, or who, because of infirmity, is unable to visit their local library. It's for people of all ages.

How does the Service work?

You tell us the type of material you want by completing and sending us the form below. We arrange for regular visits by volunteers or library staff who will deliver and return books and other materials.

What materials can be borrowed?

You can borrow from the full range of materials available to library members. LARGE PRINT books are also available for those with impaired eyesight. Borrow and listen to books on CD. 

Requests for specific books or other library materials can be given to the library visitor.

If you know of anyone - perhaps a relative, friend or neighbour - who may be interested in the Housebound Reader Service, you may complete the online application form.

What is the Care and Residential Homes Service?

The Care and Residential Homes Service is currently under review. If you have an enquiry regarding this please contact us using the email address below.

The Care and Residential Homes Service provides collections of materials to sheltering housing complexes, residential homes, hospitals etc for a longer loan period.

We ask that a form detailing the contact information, required profile and frequency of exchange be completed and we will prepare the collection and arrange the delivery.

Contact Us

Elgin Library
Cooper Park
IV30 1HS

01343 562600

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