DofE - Information for Parents/Carers

Welcome to the Duke of Edinburgh's Award in Moray. 

Parents and carers are an integral part of the support that young people need to help them make the most of their DofE adventure. The volunteers, who freely give their time, energy and knowledge to run DofE programmes in our Schools and Centres, will work with your child/ward to help them achieve a rewarding and enjoyable DofE journey. Nonetheless, your support and encouragement will make a big difference to their overall experience.

The best source of information on the DofE Award is which includes the structure of the Award, the commitment young people need to make to achieve their Award. Some of this information is summarised in the Leaflet for Parents.

There is additional information on our page for Participants on how to get your child started on their DofE adventure. The forms that you will need can be found in the links below.

Participants need to record their DofE activity using an on-line system called eDofE to complete their Award. One of the more practical roles you can play is to remind your child to keep their eDofE record up to date. There is a lot of information at including a host of u-tube guides on how eDofE works. Your local DofE Centre will be able to give you more advice if necessary.

If you would like to get involved as an adult volunteer you can find more information here.

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