DofE - Information for Young People

Are you thinking about starting a new adventure with the DofE?

This page contains lots of links to help you find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh's Award and information on how to start your DofE Adventure.

DofE's website has all the information you need and lots of inspirational stories about the DofE Award. 

Use this link to find the website and follow the Do DofE tabs. 

You will find information on your Award; what's involved, the benefits, the wide range of activities you can choose and how long your Award will take.

If you have any questions about the Award, please contact the DofE Office or your local DofE Centre.

Where can you do your DofE?

There are DofE Centres in most of the high school in Moray. These will be managed by Teachers or Youth Workers who volunteer to run a DofE Programme for pupils at their school. They will publish information on their DofE programmes through their own newsletters and bulletins. 

Moray Council also manage an Open Award Centre. The Open Award Centre meets regularly between September and May. If you want to know more about the Open Centre please contact the DofE Office.

In addition many youth organisations like Scouting, Girlguiding, Boys Brigade and Cadet groups offer DofE. Please contact your local group for details.

How to get started

Just follow these four simple steps to enrol with a DofE programme in your local school:

  1. Contact your school's DofE Leader. It is important that you meet the DofE leader and that you participate as part a school/centre programme so that you receive the support you need to undertake your award.
  2. Complete an enrolment form and publicity consent form.
  3. Pay your enrolment fee. This can be paid using Moray Council's on-line shop. Fees are £28.00 for bronze and silver, £35.00 for gold. This fee covers your welcome pack, a record book, badge and certificate.
  4. Return both forms to the DofE leader.

Please note: Most youth organisations operate under their own license so their procedures for enrolling will be slightly different.

What's next?

Once your enrolment form, consent form and enrolment fee have been received, your DofE Leader will enrol you on eDofE and you will receive a welcome pack which includes a booklet that will help you plan your activities and record your assessors' comments. 

Your DofE leader who will help you choose suitable activities and advise you on how to organise your programme plan for each DofE section. Your online eDofE account will help you record and evidence your DofE progress.

When you have successfully completed your Award you will be presented with your certificate and badge.

Best Wishes for your DofE Adventure

Contact Us

Duke of Edinburgh Moray Award Officer
Moray Mail Room
High Street
IV30 1BX

07890 275514

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