Our Forms

Applying for a Council home or amending an existing application

Our housing application process has changed. You should now apply for council housing in Moray using our online housing application.


Application to assign your tenancy (PDF)

Application to take in a lodger (PDF)

Application for joint tenancy (PDF)

Application for mutual exchange (PDF)

Application to sublet your home (PDF)

Application form for succession (PDF)

Apply for a council garage (Online form)

Apply for an open market purchase scheme (Online form)

Apply to join the grass cutting scheme (PDF)

Functional assessment form (PDF)

Garage rent - direct debit (PDF)

Garage rent - standing order (PDF)

Garage termination form (PDF)

Housing Representation Declaration Form (PDF)

Permission Application Form Online Form - to make any alterations or improvements to your Council property or run a business from the property 

Permission Application Form Download/Print - to make any alterations or improvements to your Council property or run a business from the property 

Tenancy termination (PDF)

Tenancy termination - if transferring to another Moray Council Tenancy (PDF)

Tenant personal details form (Online form)

Direct Debit form for Paying Rent (PDF)

Standing Order form for Paying Rent (PDF)

For translation services or alternative formats (such as large print or braille) view our alternative formats page.

Sample tenancy agreements (PDFs)

Scottish secure tenancy (SST)

Short Scottish secure tenancy (SSST) - antisocial behaviour grounds

Short Scottish secure tenancy (SSST) - other grounds (not antisocial behaviour)

Summary tenancy agreements (PDFs)

Summary Scottish secure tenancy (SST)

Summary Short Scottish secure tenancy (SSST) - antisocial behaviour grounds

Summary Short Scottish secure tenancy (SSST) - non antisocial behaviour 

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Housing and Property


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