Payment at the Post Office or PayPoint - FAQs

How will I be able to pay my bill?

In order to make payment at a Post Office or PayPoint outlet, they require the barcode provided on your current Council Tax bill. The barcode contains your personal payment details. Simply give your current Council Tax bill to the staff at the Post Office or PayPoint outlet and tell them how much you want to pay. You will be given a receipt which you should keep as a record of your payment. Look out for these logos;

Post Office logo    

Can I still use my Payment Card?

No.  From 1 April 2018 you can no longer pay your Council Tax using a payment card. You can still pay using Pay Point or at a Post Office, but you need to bring your Council Tax bill along so that the cashier can scan the barcode on it to make sure that your payment gets to your account.

I've lost my bill. Can I get another?

If you do not have a current Council Tax bill you should telephone the Customer Contact Centre on 01343 563456 and they will arrange for a new bill to be sent to you.

How will I know how much to pay or if I have enquiries about my account?

We will write to you and tell you how much you need to pay. If any changes are made to the amount you need to pay we will write to you again as many times as necessary. If you have a question at any point about your account you should telephone the Customer Contact Centre on 01343 563456.

Will paying this way cost me more?

No, this is a free service.

Can I make payments outside of Moray?

Yes. You can make payments at outlets across the country. Simply look for the Post Office and PayPoint logos shown on this page.

Can someone else pay on my behalf?

Yes. They will need your current Council Tax bill and you should tell them how much you want to pay. Always make sure that you receive a receipt and that the payment details are correct. Keep this receipt as a record of your payment.

When will the payment be credited to my account?

You should allow up to 3 days for Post Office and PayPoint transactions to reach your account.

What if I am having difficulty paying?

If you are having difficulty paying any of your charges you should telephone the Customer Contact Centre on 01343 563456 as soon as possible so that we can provide you with advice.

Do I have to use this service?

No. There are several other payment methods which you may want to use. If you would prefer to pay by one of these methods you should telephone the Customer Contact Centre on 01343 563456.

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Telephone 01343 563456

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