What is child abuse and neglect?

Child abuse is where an adult uses his or her power to harm a child.  There are four broad types of abuse used to describe the different ways in which children are harmed:

Physical Abuse:  where children’s bodies are hurt or injured by, for example, hitting, kicking and beating.  It can cause pain, cuts, bruising, broken bones and sometimes even death.

Emotional Abuse: includes degrading punishment, sarcasm, threats and not giving love and attention.  All of these can undermine a child or young person’s confidence.

Sexual Abuse: describes when children are forced or persuaded into sexual acts or situations by others.

Neglect: is when children’s basic needs, such as food, warmth, medical care, clothing and hygiene, are not met.

Contact Us

(Not for reporting child protection concerns)
Moray Child Protection Committee
The Moray Council, Education and Social Care,
High Street, Elgin
IV30 1BX

01343 543451


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