Planning Applications - FAQs - Existing Applications

1. I’m having problems with my online application

If you are having problems with the creation of an online application, or having problems registering on the ePlanning website, please should contact the ePlanning support desk on 0131 244 1450.

If the issues relate to the viewing of an application, documents, comments or registration on the public access site you should e-mail

2. Who is dealing with my application?

Once your application is registered a letter is issued to the applicant/agent advising which planning officer will be considering your proposal.

You can follow the progress of your application on the Applications page of the Council’s website.

3. How is my application progressing?

The applicant/agent can contact the planning officer direct to enquire on the progress of the application.

You can follow the progress of your application on the Applications page of the Council’s website.

4. Who are consulted and why?

Planning legislation requires that certain bodies be consulted prior to the determination of an application. The type of proposal will dictate who is required to be consulted.  Consultees can include both Council Services, for example Transportation and Environmental Health as well as external organisations such as SEPA, SNH and Scottish Water. 

Details of consultation responses received on current applications are available to the Applications page, at Search use the application reference number or site address, etc to find the application. Consultations responses are located under the Documents tab.

5. How is my application determined?

Your application will be determined under one of two procedures:

Delegated Powers – Applications determined by the allocated officer without prior referral to the (Planning & Regulatory Services) Committee.  This type of determination is only possible where the application is determined in accordance with the criteria of the Council’s Scheme of Delegation

The Planning and Regulatory Services Committee meets approximately every 8 weeks.

6. What can I do if my application is refused or if it is approved with conditions I don’t agree with?

If an applicant is aggrieved by the Council’s decision to refuse permission or to grant permission or approval subject to conditions, advice is given about the procedure to follow within the decision notice.

Under certain circumstances there may be a right to a free re-submission in addition to appealing against a decision.  Please Tel; 03001234561 or e-mail  to seek advice on this matter.

7. Can I make changes to the approved details?

Prior to undertaking any changes you must submit a copy of the amended plans showing all proposed changes for the attention of the planning officer who dealt with the original submission.

Details of the proposed amendments/alterations should be submitted by e-mail to or post to Environmental Services, Development Management, The Moray Council, PO Box 6760 Elgin IV30 9BX.

You will be notified in writing/e-mail whether the changes can be accepted as a non-material variation to the original permission, or a new application will be required.

8. Can I get a copy of a document, including decisions and plans, from the Planning Application?

A Copy Document request form must be completed and returned to Environmental Services, Development Management, The Moray Council, PO Box 6760 Elgin IV30 9BX accompanied by the relevant fee.  The copy document request form can be downloaded here.

There is a fee, currently £13.50, to cover the cost of staff time, plus an additional cost(s) of copying the documents (subject to annual review).  The fee for copying documents is dependent on the size of document (fees are included in a note attached to the request form).  All charges for this service must be paid prior to receipt of the documentation.  You will be advised of the fee on receipt of the request form.

A time period of up to 10 working days is required for this service.

9. How long do I have to start works?

You are required to start work within 3 years from the date of the decision document or where planning permission in principle has been granted, you must submit a further application(s) giving full details of your proposal (design and layout information) within 3 years of the decision date of that “in principle” decision. 

10. Planning Application check

All applications are checked to ensure all the relevant paper work is submitted and notification will sent to the applicant/agent to advise of the reasons for the non-validity of the submission. 

This check is NOT carried out at the Council’s Reception point.

11. What applications have recently been submitted?

You can access this information through the Council’s website, use the Applications List tab to view weekly lists of application submitted and applications decided.

12. Where can I see details of any application?

Details for all valid applications received since April 2009 can be viewed on the Council’s website. At search, use the application reference number or site address, etc to find details including Further Information and Important Dates.  Information on applications received from 2008 is also available online.

Details of applications determined prior to the start of 2008 are not available online.  Should you wish to view any application determined prior to 2008 you can visit the Council Annexe (Elgin) and ask to view the decision document and associated plans, however there may be a delay of 48 hours in retrieving the application from our archive. 

Should you wish to view a number of applications please e-mail  giving a list of the applications you wish to view at the Council Annexe along with a contact phone number and we will contact you once the details are available. 

13. How do I object or make representations about a current application?

Objections/representations must be made in writing giving the site address and if possible, the application reference number. Representations can be submitted online or by post to Environmental Services, Development Management, The Moray Council, PO Box 6760 Elgin IV30 9BX, or by email to

An acknowledgement letter will be issued to confirm whether or not the representation was received in time and if so, you will be advised of the outcome of the proposal once the application has been determined.

Please note that there is a strict time period for receipt of objections/representation.  The expiry date can be found on the Council’s website.

14. What can I comment on?

Any comments on an application must relate to the development and relate to planning.  Examples of possible comments can relate to

  • the proposal being contrary to development plan policy;
  • design (external appearance, scale/height, material finishes etc)
  • impact on the built environment (effects on Conservation Area, listed building)
  • impact on the natural environment (landscape and visual impacts, loss of trees, impact on protected species and landscape and nature conservation designations (.e. SSSI, TPO, AGLV, etc)
  • residential amenity (noise, overshadowing, privacy and overlooking)
  • traffic, access and parking issues,

Please note that matters about loss of view, property values, ownership/legal disputes and structural problems are not material planning considerations and cannot be taken into account when determining an application.

15. Where can I find application details in the local press?

The Development Management Section is required to advertise some but not all applications within local newspapers i.e. Northern Scot, Forres Gazette etc (but not the P&J) in compliance with planning legislation.  These will be listed under the Public Notices section of the local paper.  The advertisement includes details about the objection expiry date and how to submit comments.

The Northern Scot and other local newspapers (but not the P&J) may also include a list of recently registered applications under the heading “People and Planning”.  This is not an official Moray Council advertisement and should not be used to ascertain objection expiry date. 

Contact Us

Development Management
Economic Growth & Development
The Moray Council
PO Box 6760, Elgin
IV30 9BX

0300 1234561

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