Planning - FAQs - General Enquiries

1. What is the difference between Planning Permission and a Building Warrant?

Planning Permission relates mainly to the correct use of land, about where development is located and what it looks like, and the effect that it will have on the surrounding environment including neighbouring properties. Planning also deals with listed buildings and conservation areas, and enforcement issues where development may be in breach of planning regulations.

Building Warrants, on the other hand, are concerned with the way in which the building is constructed, its structural stability, means of escape and fire precautions, weather resistance, energy conservation, sound insulation, access and facilities for people with disabilities.

2. Where can I get application forms for planning permission and other consents?

Copies of application forms and guidance notes for applications for planning permission or other related consents are available through the Making a Planning Application webpage and by the ePlanning website.

On the ePlanning website you can apply online or you can download the relevant forms.  The Council accepts applications submitted online or in paper format.

3. Do I need Planning Permission?

You can submit a written planning enquiry to find out if planning permission is required for your development.  Further details on how to make an enquiry are available on the Do I Need Planning Permission webpage.  There is a charge for this service. Please see our current scale of fees

Please complete the form and provide the necessary information including the fee either by email to or post to Environmental Services, Development Management, Moray Council, PO Box 6760, Elgin, IV30 9BX.

4. Can I get advice before I submit my application?

All enquiries – Not Major Applications

You can submit a written planning enquiry to allow a planning officer to assess your proposal and provide a written response. The Development Management Section is unable to pre determine any application prior to a formal submission but are happy to give preliminary advice on a proposal and highlight any likely issues. There is a charge for this service. Please see our current scale of fees.

Further details on how to make a Preliminary Enquiry are available on the Council’s website.  For this service please complete the form and provide the necessary information including the fee either by e-mail to or post to Environmental Services, Development Management, Moray Council, PO Box 6760, Elgin, IV30 9BX.

The Section aims to deal with your enquiry within 28 working days where possible. 

Enquiries – Major Applications

The Development Management Section is unable to pre determine any application prior to a formal submission but are happy to give preliminary advice on a proposal and highlight any likely issues.  

For major applications, the Council offers a major pre-application service, details of which are available online. There is a charge for this service, please see our current scale of fees. Details of the major proposal can be submitted by e-mail to or post to Environmental Services, Development Management, Moray Council, PO Box 6760, Elgin, IV30 9BX.

5. What is required when submitting an application?

The Making a Planning Application webpage details what information is required for planning applications. On this webpage there is a Checklist about information requirements which is available to download.

On the Making a Planning Application webpage there are also details about how to make an application together with links to application forms and guidance available online or to download.

6. How much will my application cost?

A fee must be paid prior to registration of any planning application.  The fee payable varies according to the type of application. Details of the current Scale of Fees are available through the Making a Planning Application webpage.

On the ePlanning website there is also an online fee calculator.

For further information, please contact Teresa Ruggeri on 01343 563270 or e-mail

7. How are application payments made?

Card payments can be taken by the Contact Centre, provided that the application reference number and the amount to be paid is known.  If this information is not known, then please call Teresa Ruggeri on 01343 563270. Cheques are also accepted and should be sent to Environmental Services, Development Management, Moray Council, PO Box 6760, Elgin, IV30 9BX.  Cash payments will generally not be accepted.

Please have the details of your application to hand, including the application reference number when making a payment.

8. Who do I need to notify of my proposal?

Neighbour notification on planning applications is carried out by the Council. 

If you are not the sole landowner for the site, Notice to all other owners and agricultural tenants must be given at the time of making the application. As part of the application you must provide a Certificate to confirm that Notice has been carried out.

Copies of Notices and Certificates are included in the application forms package(s) that is/are available online through the ePlanning website.

For further information, please contact Teresa Ruggeri on 01343 563270 or e-mail   

In some cases where a public advertisement is required for example, for neighbour notification and/or other purposes the cost of that advertisement is recoverable from the applicant.

9. How long will my application take?

The Scottish Government has set a target for dealing with local applications at 8 weeks. Some applications may go over this time period, for example if the application requires to go before the Planning & Regulatory Services Committee. Applications may go to committee if they are large in scale or particularly sensitive or complex, etc.  The case officer can advise on likely timescales for determination.

An acknowledgement letter will be issued to the applicant/agent once the application is registered giving details of the application reference number, case officer, target date and what to do if the application is taking too long (the right to appeal). 

10. Where can I view the current Development Plan policies?

For details of development plan policy and supplementary planning guidance please refer to the Planning & Development section of the Council’s website.

Contact Us

Development Management
Economic Growth & Development
The Moray Council
PO Box 6760, Elgin
IV30 9BX

0300 1234561

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