Acceptable Waste - Staffed Recycling Centres

Update 9th November 2022 - Vape Bars

Unwanted disposable vapes are classified as Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) as they contain a battery. As a result, they can now be disposed of at our Household Waste Recycling Centres. Please remove the battery where possible (the battery can go in the battery container) and dispose of in one of our WEEE containers. If the battery cannot be removed, the whole vape should be placed in the WEEE container.


The below materials can be deposited at the following locations:

Asbestos From Householders Only: 

Moycroft Transfer Station, Moycroft Road, Elgin, IV30 1XZ 

Monday-Friday 08:30-15:00

Please note that all asbestos MUST be double wrapped in Heavy Duty clear plastic prior to delivery to Moycroft, up to a maximum of 12 sheets per property. The sheets are lifted by hand into a specific walk-in skip, so please bear this in mind when wrapping the asbestos, as heavy loads cannot be handled safely. A declaration form will need to be completed prior to disposing of the asbestos (completed onsite). 

If you wish to dispose of asbestos please telephone the waste hotline on 0300 12345 65. A member of the waste team will contact you to arrange further.


There will be no acceptance of any materials which have originated from outside of Moray.

Residents disposing of their own household waste in a van, pick-up or trailer (see form for more details) should present a completed Household Waste Declaration Form (PDF) to a Site Attendant before being granted entry to our Recycling Centres. Blank copies are also available from staff on site. With this being said, any vehicle may be requested to complete a form on site by a site attendant before being permitted to dispose of waste.



Household: All household batteries can be taken to your local Recycling Centres for recycling. This includes all sizes of battery from household appliances ranging from hearing aids and toys to torches and cordless power tools regardless of whether they are single use or rechargeable type.

Given the wide range of battery types and codes please note the following list of battery types which can also be recycled:

  • Alkaline manganese
  • Zinc-carbon
  • Nickel Cadmium (NiCad)
  • Lithium Ion (Li-ion)
  • Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH)
  • Single-use Lithium
  • Silver Oxide
  • Zinc Air

Batteries can also be recycled at most local shops and supermarkets. Through the Governments Waste Battery Regulations all retailers of batteries selling or supplying more than 32Kg of batteries per year must provide a free take back scheme on their premises. This scheme is for all types of household battery and not just the kinds they sell.

Car: Householders can dispose of car batteries in the recycling containers provided at Recycling Centres.

Commercials: D & S Metals Ltd (Forres) T: 01309 672465 / 672008
J. Gordon Williamson Ltd (Elgin) T: 01343 543331 / 547496

Building/construction waste

Householders: Car and trailer loads (or the equivalent sized small vanload) will be accepted at Recycling Centres. Please remember to separate materials at source i.e. rubble and clean timber in order that they can be put into the appropriate container for recycling.

Contractors: No construction or demolition waste will be accepted from Contractors at Council operated Recycling Centres or Landfill Site.

The following alternative service providers will accept construction, demolition and mixed waste materials:

Grays Recycling Services Ltd (Fochabers) T: 01343 821999
J. Gordon Williamson Ltd (Elgin) T: 01343 543331 / 547496


Householders can dispose of paper and card in the recycling containers provided at Recycling Centres.

Commercial businesses can deposit paper and card at their nearest staffed Recycling Centres  in Forres, Keith and Buckie as well as at Moycroft Transfer Station (Elgin) providing they have either a Trade Waste Agreement or a Recycling Pass from us.

Commercial businesses requiring to deposit recyclable materials are subject to conditions determined by:

  • Recycling Pass
  • Trade Waste Agreement/Duty of Care Document
  • Waste Transfer Note

For further details on Trade Waste collections/obligations please download our Trade Waste pack.

Earth/soils (clean)

Earth and soils should be free of rubble/ceramics/concrete etc.

Car and trailer loads (or the equivalent sized small vanload) will be accepted at Recycling Centres only if arising from householders (maximum of 2 loads).

Larger loads and commercial loads can only be accepted at Dallachy Landfill Site and acceptance depends on the suitability to use it as cover/reinstatement material. If it is deemed suitable for site restoration it will be accepted free of charge; if it is accepted as daily cover then a landfill tax will be charged at daily £3.15 per tonne or alternatively can be deposited with the following alternative service providers:

Grays Recycling Services Ltd (Fochabers) T: 01343 821999
J. Gordon Williamson Ltd (Elgin) T: 01343 543331 / 547496

Engine Oil

Householders can dispose of waste engine oil and filters in the recycling container provided at Recycling Centres.

Garages and Commercials: Northburn Industrial Services Ltd (Aberdeen) T: 01224 825448

General Household Waste

Car and trailer loads (or the equivalent sized small vanload) of Household waste will be accepted free of charge at Recycling Centres.

Green waste, grass cuttings, prunings and branches

Householders: Green waste, grass cuttings and prunings/branches up to 75mm (3-inch) in diameter will be accepted free of charge if being deposited by the householder. 

Contractors: Green Waste will be accepted at Moycroft Transfer Station, Moycroft Road, Elgin, IV30 1XZ and Nether Dallachy Landfill Site, Beaufighter Road, Spey Bay, Moray, IV30 7PL, Monday - Saturday 08:30-15:00.  Charges will be applied for the deposit of green waste. Drivers must report to the site attendant for issue of receipts.

The following alternative service providers will accept green waste:

Grays Recycling Services Ltd (Fochabers) T: 01343 821999
J. Gordon Williamson Ltd (Elgin) T: 01343 543331 / 547496


Householders: All metal items from domestic sources can be taken for recycling to your nearest staffed Recycling Centres. A dedicated container is on site for all items either made from, or containing metal.

Commercials should contact either:

Grays Recycling Services Ltd (Fochabers) T: 01343 821999
J. Gordon Williamson Ltd (Elgin) T: 01343 543331 / 547496


All tins and tubs containing even a small amount of paint should be taken to our nearest staffed Recycling Centres for disposal in the dedicated container for paint. Please do not place tins containing paint in your refuse bin or recycling bin as the materials are compacted in the back of the wagon and will cause the tin to burst open and contaminate the load, wagon and it may leak on to the road causing a mess.

Alternatively, why not donate your unwanted paint to a local charity group or organisation or Moray Waste busters based at Waterford Recycling Centre in Forres for them to use and to sell onto those in need, rather than sending it to landfill?


Only plastic bottles marked as PETE  , HDPE and PP can be accepted for recycling at the staffed Recycling Centres. To ensure maximum efficiency for transport and to minimise damage to baling equipment please rinse out bottles ensure that the air is removed and has been crushed flat and the lid placed back on before depositing in the container.


Householders: Clean rubble can be accepted free of charge at any of the staffed Recycling Centres when produced from a household source and transported by the householder. Multiple loads will require redirection to Dallachy Landfill site where acceptance will remain free.

Contractors: No construction or demolition waste will be accepted from Contractors at our Recycling Centres or Landfill Site and should continue to dispose of rubble via:

Grays Recycling Services Ltd (Fochabers) T: 01343 821999
J. Gordon Williamson Ltd (Elgin) T: 01343 543331 / 547496


Textile banks are available at all staffed Recycling Centres and some recycling points. Please check the listings in the Recycle Guide to see where your nearest recycling point that accepts textiles is.

Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE)

All staffed Recycling Centres have a recycling option for the following electrical goods:

  • Fluorescent lamps (including strip lights, energy saving bulbs, compact fluorescent lamps, gas discharge lamps)
  • Small electrical goods
  • Televisions
  • White goods
  • Vape Bars

Commercial customers should continue to dispose of electrical equipment in line with their own Duty Of Care arrangements. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) have produced a WEE disposal guidance leaflet (pdf) for businesses.

White metal goods

All ‘white goods’ (kitchen appliances i.e. fridges/freezers, washing machines) from domestic properties can be taken to your nearest staffed Recycling Centres.

Commercial businesses wishing to arrange collection and disposal of white metal goods are advised to contact the following alternative service provider:   

Viridor Electrical Recycling (Perth) T: 01738 492950


Wood from a household source can be accepted free of charge at any of the staffed Recycling Centres .Wood should be segregated into one of the two options available -

  • Clean Wood – solid timber, no creosote treatments
  • Dirty Wood – chipboard, MDF, laminates and treated creosoted wood

Commercial producers should continue to dispose of timber via:

Grays Recycling Services Ltd (Fochabers) T: 01343 821999

J. Gordon Williamson Ltd (Elgin) T: 01343 543331 / 547496

Contact Us

Recycling Hotline

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