Have your say on.... Buckie’s New Seating Area in Cluny Square
A new seating area is planned for the North East Quadrant of Cluny Square in Buckie.
The existing telescope and plinth will remain in-situ.
Buckie High School pupils have designed the ‘silver darlings’ seating to reflect the town’s fishing heritage and culture.
The design that has been developed for the seating complements the Buckie Darling (deer) statue located at the entrance to the town. The seating has been designed to minimise the risk of vandalism and be low maintenance.
The public realm improvements including this proposal for bespoke street furniture is included in the Buckie Town Centre Improvement Plan (TCIP). The draft Buckie TCIP was the subject of public consultation in 2021 with the final version being approved by Moray Council in 2022. The TCIP provides a framework for investment and attracting external funding whether projects are led by the Council, a community group or a partnership of both.
Have Your Say on …
Local Sayings
The seating will be inscribed with local sayings. People are being invited to suggest local sayings that they would like to see on the seating and any other street furniture such as bins.
Seating Arrangement
The area can accommodate up to 4 seats. People are being asked to suggest how they would like the seating to be arranged to enjoy the views across the harbour and encourage social interaction. Suggested options can be viewed on the feedback form.
Cycle Racks
The seating can be made multi-functional with the potential to park up to 4 bikes within one seat. People are being asked whether they would like the seating to be used as cycle racks or whether they would prefer it to remain as seating only.
The 8 bollards will have either a vinyl motif or wrap to make them bespoke to Buckie and complement the design theme of the seating area. People are being asked whether they would like the proposed motif or prefer the vinyl wrap for each bollard. Suggested options can be viewed on the feedback form.
We would welcome your views on the above which can be submitted by completing the feedback form (if using online version, save to your computer once completed) and send to localdevelopmentplan@moray.gov.uk.
Alternatively, feedback forms can be posted to Moray Council, Strategic Planning and Development Team, Room 217, Council Headquarters, High Street, Elgin, IV30 1BX or posted in the comments box at Buckie Library.
A drop-in exhibition for the public will be held 2 - 7pm Tuesday 4th February at North Church Hall, East Church Street, Buckie. Officers will be available at the event to discuss the proposals.
The closing date for feedback forms and comments is Friday 21 February.
What Happens Next?
Following the public consultation all comments will be taken into consideration and an evaluation panel consisting of the local elected Members will make the final decision on the local sayings, seating arrangement, cycle racks and bollard motif or vinyl wraps. The seating will then be fabricated, galvanised and installed. It is estimated that the seating will be installed by June in time for Summer.