FOI Request - Fly Tipping and Bulky Items
Request 101003664727
Please can you supply the following information for financial years 2019-2024:
(1) Monthly counts of fly-tipping
(2) Monthly counts of fly-tipping by waste type
(3) Monthly counts of fly-tipping by land type and location details
(4) Monthly counts of fly-tipping by waste/incident size, weight and/or volume
(5) Monthly costs for clearing fly-tipping
(6) Monthly indirect costs for fly-tipping
(7) Monthly costs for fly-tipping prevention activities and activity type(s)
(8) Monthly Fixed Penalty Notices issued for fly-tipping, FPNs paid and unpaid (indicating whether further action was taken), and revenue generated
(9) Monthly bulky uplifts requested, conducted, revenue gained, payment types accepted, and what happens to bulky items once collected
(10) Bulky uplift vehicle type used, and standard crew required/assigned to conduct activities
(11) Communication method(s) with residents and frequency of communications
Response 29-11-2024
Please find the information requested here.