Forres Common Good Land - Representations and Responses
Consultation on proposal of short term disposal and change of use for a Construction Area and appropriation of a 12m strip for land a Bus Drop off Area.
Online Form responses
The online form contains four questions as follows:-
- What are your views on the proposals in relation to Roysvale Park?
- Do you have any views on the potential benefits of the proposals?
- Do you have any issues or concerns arising from the proposals?
- Do you have any additional comments?
Not every person responding answered all questions available to them. The verbatim reproductions below relate only to those questions answered by each person taking part.
Forres Common Good - online form representations
Email and Postal responses
Email/postal responses have been reproduced verbatim in each case. Where the response was too large to incorporate in the table these have been published in full separately with the corresponding response.
Email no.1 representation and response
Email no.2 representation and response
Postal letter no.1 representation and response