Crossroads Primary School
Consultation on the closure of Crossroads Primary School
Crossroads Primary School is currently mothballed. Following public engagement last year, a recommendation to elected members to proceed with formal consultation on closure of the school was approved in September 2024.
The consultation ran from 23 September 2024 until 15 November 2024. Recommendations following that consultation will be reported to Committee and Council in May 2025.
Crossroads Primary School is a rural school which is part of the Keith Associated Schools Group (ASG). Moray Council agreed on 28 September 2022 to mothball the school from January 2023 as a consequence of the falling school roll.
The term ‘mothballing’ refers to a temporary decision to close a school where the roll has fallen to very low pupil numbers or to zero. Mothballing, rather than closure, provides the opportunity for a school to reopen should circumstances change. It is only appropriate for a temporary period and is subject to regular review.
As part of the regular review process, an engagement session was held in Kind Memorial Hall, Grange, on May 10 2023 to update the community on the status of school.
On June 7 2023, Moray Council's Education, Children’s and Leisure Services Committee agreed to proceed to the next stage of determining the future of Crossroads Primary School.
During the 2023-24 school year, the Learning Estate Team will start carrying out a detailed options appraisal for the school. This involves drawing up possible options and analysing these to help identify the most appropriate option to go forward as a proposal to councillors.
You can view Education Scotland's Schools Consultation Act 2010 here.